for KCr 100 hapa ni wa?
nyeri, nanyuki, timau sides
sing after me.
i dont know but i been told…
Mountain putthy is very cold
Leo ni siku yanguu
nikague nisikie
cc: @imei2012
Hapa ni kajiado. look at the grass
Naro Moru along Ephraim Main’s vast ranch.
just before ufike nanyuki airstrip but past trout tree restaurant. most probably hiyo place iko na truck stop.
Kisima ama kwa ranch ya Angaine pale Timau
Must be between Naromoru and Burguret
mimi naona Mount Elgon from the Ugandan side
I was in Nanyuki Sportsman’s Arms jana.
Hii ni rahisi sana MM. Hii barabara inakuwanga smooth as hell unaskianga tu kukanyanga hadi gauge izunguke irudi back to zero. Nakumbuka kuna time we were on this route and everybody including the driver was admiring the view kumbe gari inatoka nje ya barabara. Thankfully kunakuwanga na loose gravel on the shoulders otherwise tungeingia kichakani.
gathiuru just after the airstrip!
ukiwa nanyuki enda chukua room ! weka all valuables chukua kabambe na few dollars then read the riot act ukiingia town anzanyakio hii ndio kericho kitale na amar combined ! the less said the better though the whore are filthy and place is full of samburu weilding rungus, enda joskaki hapa ndio sj ya nanyuki hope you understand what i mean toka hapo enda checkers sasa hii ndio tribeka good music and crowd. Usijidanganye uende hio meffi iko nakumatt ama sportmans arms hizo huwa derserted 1 all the best halafu ulete hekaya
Quest bado iko?
last time i was there it still was but i once had a bad experience with quest so i abandoned it altogether ! hata central, lions court ziko intact
There used to be a Karaoke hostess moja very hot pale Nakumatt and Checkers. That ngeus was talented, sijui kama bado yuko
its been a minute since i was there but going on a trip soon will report back
sande sana Chief
heka itakuja.
Meria hukusema ni wapi?