Help me guys,I have a cyber cafe,but I want to subscribe to Telkom 4G.but thea speed is 1MBpS.can that speed run about 8 computers with YouTube not me guys.anyone with experience for that speed
Osungu yako imehepa na swali lako.
Rudia swali and preferably tumia mother tongue.
Tafuta ISP anaeza kutumia netna power beam jiyo ya telkomachana nayo
Uko area code gani ??
MBps ama Mbps?
I mean mbps
Nko side za kasarani
telkom is good until you hit the 50 gb fup cap, boom speed inabore , and they just cheap you, hiyo 1mbs ni max you can get, so mara mingi speed hua 512kbps and below
Kasarani ?? hauko serious ,That place is full of ISPs + fibre imefika huko…consult people bwana
The question you should be asking is whether that speed can run 1 computer with no buffering on YouTube.
The answer is still NO.
It might attempt, but when you reach the 50gb cap your screwed. And with video you’ll reach that cap in a matter of hours or days.
Hiyo speed iko down sana.
am an IT expert… you cant use 1mbps for cyber business it will be slower than a snail… invest in fiber if its business you want with great speeds at affordable price… its available country wide.
Fiber is not available in my area.which is the best ISP interms of speed and cost
Kasarani wapi? I know for a fact Liquid telecom imefika HACO na Internet Solutions imefika Equity
Each computer needs to clock at least 10 Mbps minimum … hiyo ndio me huona kwa estates mingi .
ok rooter is another option… by acquiring a telkom rooter for 10,000ksh it supports wireless network by use of wifi and direct network through ethernet ports…if am not wrong the rooter support four computers and you can add a switch that can support twelve to twenty four computers that way you can run your computers and wifi at the same time at great speeds. telkom is the best internet provider at affordable prices.
Tafuta Hai Net wako area code watakusort na very stable speeds even with several machines
av never had a rooter with 1mbs…