teenage Japanese killers documentary


Cold blooded murder and violent crime are rapidly on the increase among the young people of Japan, in a country which once had one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

High school bullies, bedroom-bound cyber geeks and a growing number of teenage gangs have produced a current wave of brutal, violent crime that is sweeping through communities across Japan.

Teenage Japanese Killers seeks to understand why this once peaceful society is producing a class of young, violent killers and why Japan itself is angst-ridden about this frightening problem. Through individual case studies, this documentary provides a fascinating insight into 21st century Japanese society. From the young killer who wants to be a lawyer, to families of the victims, this documentary attempts to make some sense of the bizarre, motiveless murders occurring at an ever-increasing rate throughout Japan

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This is serious,

Im waiting for this one


This looks like one of those US conspiracies against Russia

I have marked it on reminder. Hio lazima nitataka kuiona

Could be…but we already know they were caught doping.

Yes but they are saying Putin is involved and that Putin is threatening the life of their whistleblower. If Putin wants that whistle blower dead he would be dead longtime ago.

Si we watch the whole documentary first when it comes out then we have this conversation?

@Unataka kujua ili? Meffi wewe