Who was your high school appetizer? Mine was a certain Economics teaching practice lady from kisii. She had a way of inserting her left hand under her skirt belt while teaching and looking at us below her spectacles and we would all erect. Then she asks a question and forces you to stand up while answering. I tell the bulge under the trouser I guess made her wet. Shida alitombwa na a certain Mr Ndegwa guy who was a KISWAHILI teacher and it was rumored he had HIV those days. I miss that kerubo.
Bro you asking us about our high school teacher crushes like we all attended same school.
I was expelled from Usuu Secondary School for being caught nikitoka kukamua Miss M
Mine was a maths teacher that I hated but she had a massive ass.
A certain catholic nun who was teaching Swahili alikua anamalisa Mimi! Sister Clementina!
I never fantasized sleeping with teachers but there was a certain Miss Kabecha who was so beautiful, polite and young. She made guys to lose their senses thinking about her. I met her a few years ago in Nyeri town and she is still hot. I guess she is now in her late 40s
Wapi mbisha nilete bei
Kuna a certain tukiwa form 3 aliletwa kutufunza Literature. Weeh that tp was hot as fuck. Alikuwa anaingia class attention yote iko tu kwake. She was curvy. She used to wear these tight dresses and skirts. Mecho ilikuwa inang’ara proper.
We had a bio teacher in my highschool who never came to school with a skirt below her knees.
Nice face ,perfect smile,high cheek bones,Perfect body - shida ilikuwa Kyuk accent pekee.
She always dropped something halfway in class to bendover and pick it up in her short skirt.It used to inuka to the top.
She was a really bad actor so it was an open secret that it was on purpose - we didn’t care ,the whole class would just enjoy the view.
She never slept with any student ,she just liked the attention.
Although there was one student I remember she would flirt with.
Niggas didn’t like him because of that - If anyone was to finya her ,my bet would be him.
Even male teachers would go crazy for her(Hata the married ones).
Huyo nikimpata leo as an adult ,wacha tu.
Kuna t.p ingine tuliletewa black beauty from northern pearl of africa tribe ya kina milton obote…sijui Langi or something…head master na canteen master walishikana mangumi.
Headmaster was a super simp…tulikuwa tunapita teachers quarters sunday jioni unapata headi amesquat kando ya gas na tshirt na short akisonga ka ugali na nguruwe na t.p ameketi hapo nje ya mlango ana paka kucha cutex akiskiza hewa.
Headi alikuwa ngombe sana.
Vita ya headi na canteen master ilikuwa ya chuki kali…walikuwa wanalia kama wamama wawili…other teachers didnt leave their cubes to stop the bout…sisi dorm ilikuwa tu kucheka.
Following day headi kwa assembly na ma dent anajifanya nothing happened.
I had a few beers with the t.p during prom night…she was fly as fuck.
Shule yetu teachers walikuwa sura ngumuuuu kama maisha ya @Jimit :D:D
Ilibidi tuu tukamue madame kwa forest during funkies.
Wangu was a certain English TP. Kitu young with a nice ass and tits. Was a nice change cause all the other female teachers walikuwa wamama. Princi alikuwa anakula slices apo so alikuwa moto wa kuotea mbali. One time during night lessons stima ilipotea, next thing we heard was the door flying open akihepa class
Umeona movie mingi za porno involving role plays.
hakuna kitu mbaya kama mwalimu simp , unaeza enda staffroom na makosa kidogo jamaa akiona mwalimu dem amekufia kwa staffroom akupatie punishment ya ku uproot baobab tree , it happened to my cousin
leta story inachangamsha kijiji, story ya mwalimu kuhepa kwa giza hatuhitaji hapa kwa kijiji. ungesema hata vile mulimukamua watu 40 . ghassia
This makes you 30?
And a real birrionaire?
mimi haikuwa mwalimu, ilikuwa nurse. nilikuwa naeda kwa hio dispensary kwa shule karibu every week for heartburn medicine. i used to admire6her saggy tits. wamunyona.