Tax Returns

So I registered a company five years ago with a ghost guy as my co-director thinking I’ll be tenderpreneur. Having not engaged in any meaningful venture, not even supplying the commodity that a lot of government institutions are looking for that is air, I never bothered to file tax returns.
The past year I’ve been in business using this company name. I intend to file nil returns but I’m yet to upgrade to iTax. I know for sure the company has accrued penalties of 40k.
Any tax consultant who knows how to make the penalties go away? I will be in need of a tax compliance certificate soon and I need to file returns before end of this month. Any lapses I can take advantage of as I upgrade to iTax so I don’t have to part with the 40k? Inaniuma sana knowing it may end up kwa mfuko ya some guy who supplied air to NYS.

hakuna shortcut

Tax criminals (such as yourself) usually pay money into a trust fund, which accepts their money as “donations.”

The fund then offers its members cheap loans, which the borrowers subsequently, shall we say, “forget” to pay back.

Thus, by disguising their incomes as loans, the members can write off much of their income tax.

VAT filing is monthly, so you have accrued a penalty of 20k monthly since itax came online… Plus any payments made to you the tax man gets 16% fanya hesabu.

Come for fake TCC hakuna mtu hufuatilia hizi vitu:D:D

Ka ukona obligation ya VAT (51210000)= fanya hesabu

Sina VAT obligation. I understand it’s applicable once you have annual turnover of more than 5M. Unless you’ve done business with government or really big business you can always diminish/downstate the turnover. Just don’t issue ETR receipts (cautiously) and don’t bank all money to the Company bank account though that will make your accounting for personal use quite a load of work.
I realize I KRA systems have no lapses and I’ll just pay the penalties some time in future. For now it’s to inflate allowable deductions and pay as little tax as possible