Tanzania once again

Gentlemen and ladies one and only his holiness H.E Dr. J. P Magufuli has just realised that there have been a sabotage in the Laboratories and all results that was communicated earlier are full of errors this is upon testing samples from pineapples,melon,goats,chicken,rocks and a toad which all tested negative.

Parliament also instructed to resume its sittings and any MP who is absent without following standings orders shall not be paid any salary.

Any person wants to trade with Tanzania is free to do so since
borders have never been closed and it shall not be closed.

The premier league in Tanzania will resume very soon and all
schools to be opened immediately.

All deaths suspected to have been due to covid 19 have been declared “null and void” and “illegal”

There is something he knows but you and your thieving president continue to get corona donor aid that will be repaid by you.



you dont say

OK, I don’t know the kinds of tests they are performing down there, but I thought testing was done from a sample taken directly from the back of the throat? Someone enlighten me…
Secondly, anyone who does not believe in Covid-19 is either very ignorant of the facts, plain stupid, a conspiracy theorist, or a disgusting troll. Probably all of them at the same time. We need them to work in the hospitals isolation areas without PPEs, they walk their talk.

if you only saw what they are calling isolation centres. Unprepared cannot aptly describe their situation

It’s blown into proportion that’s what magmkundu is saying and I am also suspecting faulty test kits having positive test. England U.K. did confirm they received false positive test kits from China… who are we bonobos receiving right test kits from China as free donation…
Just be bright for once and ANALize this as if you are salimiana team

We are also on trial and error, sisi wote tujipatie time
