Tanzania again

The number of #COVID19 cases in Tanzania has today jumped to 480 after 196 people tested positive of the disease according to the country’s Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa.

wtf …will it be the new italy??

Wuuueh waliyataka wenyewe lakini. Mungu aje awasaidie sasa.

“Our beloved dictator has a PhD in Chemistry so no worries whatsoever”

Local Magufulibots

Mungu ibariki Tanzania
Wabariki Viongozi wake
Tanzania na watu wake

Their prayers are getting answered.

167 wamepona kabisa


Guys all behaving concerned na maybe Mombasa has more than 1000 cases. Dont trust your government yet.

Wapi ile jinga T9 ikuje na zile propaganda zake?

dybala tests positive for covid-19 again - Sports - Kenya Talk

306 as of leo. Wapi source ya hio 480

Nikubaya kabisa

Upus to the core

Kinjeketile magufool ametoka kifichoni chato?

I have to, the government of Kenya is practicing open reporting of the virus ndugu zetu, down south kuna Mambo.

Hii fearmongering ni ya nini sasa… actually the more the merrier. Watarudi normal way sooner than us. Sisi tutarudi after serkal imemaliza kukula pesa ya corona


Not only in Mombasa, this shit is widespread in Kenya already. Only Nairobi and Mombasa are testing large numbers. Otherwise there are already infections happening in all counties.

Though we aren’t so effective, we are at least doing well