Tallest buildings in the world currently


Unshaped pyramids…thousand old architect imaginations…hizi ni karatas after couple hundred years…steel ikirust na mother nature…inaangushwa kiongox

Kingdom tower was never finished. Rudisha hii umeffi pale umetoa


Where is kicc…:D:D

It can’t be found anywhere near this list. It’s only a third of that Eiffel tower you see there. Probably even shorter


Ungeuliza GTC

These buildings can be risky in a fire as showcased by several hollywood blockbusters. There is one from the 70s that is almost 90% predicting what happened at world trade center on 9/11.
The middle catches fire and you are trapped in the top floors and the heat from below starts burning your feet. So what do you do? Do you jump out of the building? remember you can’t go down via stairs or lift you can only move up. And you are not as strong as the rock in that fake movie he did some time back.

Its barely 30 floors,so inatoshana na hizo red buildings on the foreground

What catches fire? The concrete and steel? Because no skyscraper is made of wood or grass thatch

344 firefighters and few other first responders died when the building collapsed. But we need to take note this was a premeditated event for economic gains.

There are very many combustible items in a skyscraper e.g exterior cladding, wood pannelling, Carpeting, furniture, electrical conduitry, curtains, cigarette or shisha coals on a matress, an idiot trying to cook githeri or roast meat on an electrical cooker etc.

Many skyscraper fires have been started by poor electrical installation. Use of poorly manufactured electrical products as a contractor cuts corners and yet a highrise consumes a shitload of power for everything including ventilation.

For instance an overload causes a spark in the electrical room and by the time a bellboy or engineer discovers the fire, it’s a massive blaze fed by the piped air. Ukifungua hizo mlango , explosion. Other skyscraper fires have been started by carelessness e.g cigarettes on mattress.

In 1946 two major hotel fires that killed over 100 were started by stima while the other ,Wincofe ,was started by a cigarette.

La salle hotel fire killed 61 and was thought to have started via stima. In both Lasalle and Wincofe hotel fires the fire started in lower floors trapping the guests and in the upper floors :

One recent fire in L.A , this one below, started because of negligence. The building has no sprinklers and then they allowed air bnb guests to hold all manner of insane parties on their establishment which also hosts longterm tenants. The electrical work had issues but the building owners blamed the fire on air bnb guests. Many guests were trapped with nowhere to run but up. 13 were injured :

Grenfell London claimed 72 lives. Again the fire started in the middle on the 4th floor from a faulty fridge and crept up the building’s flamable side panes or cladding that had an air gap. Electrical fault plus poor construction :

Grozny fire of 2013 again started by electrical short circuit somewhere in the middle to lower floors. No one was injured.

Dubai skyrise fires of 2015 and 2017 : The Adress hotel fire of 2015 started on the 14th floor and spread upwards to the 63rd floor!

It was started by a spotlight on the terrace, faulty electrical wiring plus highly flammable wall cladding. Luckily it burnt on the outside giving guests time to escape. No one was killed :

The Marina Torch in Dubai has caught fire thrice. Again stima plus exterior cladding. Again the middle floors caught fire trapping guests in the upper floors but luckily the guests made it out alive :

Is there a limit of how tall structures can get on Earth?

There must be considering factors like tectonic activity, general strength of materials, influence of gravity and atmosphere etc