Taliban ongoing war crimes exposed. Revenge killing on former govt officials.













@Mangele @Guy004 @Shyguy @slevyn @Abba @Swansea @Old Monk @Leproff

Taliban & US Gov are not different at all. They are Both Terrorists

Afadhali ungetumia hio handle yako mpya ya @BantuSupremacy . Uipigishe maraundi kadhaa ipate mileage na ijulikane.

Na kuna mjaluo anajiita @MBOMB nashuku amekuwa akinitroll miaka kadhaa using a variety of handles lakini haisuru.

Global Terrorist USA defended killing 7 babies in botched drone strike. As usual Americans killing children is like killing chicken. From unborn babies to newborns all are fair game.


US Gov and ISIS are just birds of the same feather, Terrorists



Cc @Kahuni Maisha @kipuke

Wueeh, I am just lost

I have been summoned.

Neanderthal on neanderthal murder shouldn’t be our concern as Africans. However ,tukona kashida.
Those Pakistanis who came with alleged work permits are still in Kenya.
I see them walking around Nairobi wearing those Taliban clothes.
That should be our main concern.Those ones are a future threat.

Very true. Na ndio maana sina shida na Taliban.

They tricked their former enemies and now they are crushing them. It’s nothing personal, just business.

I blame the guys who fell for the Taliban’s ruse. They were told “you guys can come back, we won’t hurt you”. Matokeo ni haya.

Ngoja wale majamaa wanaunda zile ndege ziliachwa wamalize you see how swiftly they will be killed.

I don’t have time for you… sorry.