Marry, then play your games outside with your super hot side chics. Separate family from side missions. Have the best of both worlds. As long as you don’t disrespect your wife and do it discreetly you will be fine.
Disclaimer: You cant pull this off if you are a broke man. She has to know that she will lose her lifestyle if she decides to cheat back or leave.
Inawezekana, you handle everything thru your PA e.g all payments. Unahakikisha uko na mancave and you’re good. Masaa ya kuenda kwa mancave mnaenda incognito na bodyguards wawili, unamwambia bodyguard achukue simu ya sq and and you do your thing. Hakuna kulala hapo.
Its very possible, shida hutokea ile time umechoka kumla huyo SQ.
Gathee. Do you see the hot women in exclusive places in IG?? Ushawahi ona the mzee who takes them there, especially kama sio politician?? You can have a very good time discreetly with hot women and maintain a healthy marriage lakini if you are not rich your wife won’t see a reason to telorate your straying ways. If you provide her with a lifestyle she can’t get on her own, and you don’t disrespect her by rubbing your fisi ways in her face, most women are rational and will look the other way. No woman will leave a cheating man if he fulfills his duties as a husband ie protector and provider. She might get pissed off, but that’s the cost of dating a successful man. It comes with the territory.
A man does not bring fidelity to the negotiating table of marriage. He brings resources. A woman does not bring resources, she brings fidelity. If a man is promiscuous, and he is financially successful, most women will look the other way especially if you are not disrespectful and fulfill your gender roles. Likewise, if the woman loses her job, most men won’t kick her out because its not her job to bring resources to the relationship. The man gets a pass for fuaking other biachez, the woman gets a pass for being broke.
All human relationships are based on mutual benefit. The only reason two people stay married for 50 years is because they both benefit from the marriage.
You get a side chick and starts using rubber for the first 3-6months.
Then one night in your drunken stupor you do it dry fry, in the morning after you realize what happened you discuss and agree kaende kaede. dry fry non stop.
Fast forward, after one year, she calls you and says there is something she needs to discuss with you, only to be told she is pregnant na hatoi.
Now you have another family to take care of and you have to hide this family from your first family until you die.
During your funeral, shit hits the fan after anatokelezea na tutoto tuwili tunakaa ka wewe kabisa with your trademark (a) kichwa bigi (b) extended forehead and ( c) Umbrella ears!
The whole estate is left wondering how they did not know you were running two families!
Your burial is is now postponed until the case is heard and determined!
Kwanza that IG I came to a conclusion. If you ever see a chick there flouting any body part ( face, boobs, diabs) or trying to show a flashy lifestyle ( dining in hotels, or visiting places) 99% chance she’s a flesh peddlar. You can consider her your side chick, but she has a different guy for every day of the week.
Sekete baba, sekete! Hapo ndio kuna maneno. Once tasted some sura ngumu while out of town. Still remember that pussy to date. That pussy was da bomb. Too bad sikuchukua number ningekurushia pia wewe ujaribu. If you doubt me, katia mama mboga anakaa hivi hivi akupe ukuje utwambie.
Guys…even the best of plans go bust.
All i can tell if your juggling a wife and side projects…dont spend to much time on one project…a month of kumwaga ndani imetosha…sawa…1 MONTH THEN BOUNCE.
The longer you spend on a particular side project…the stickier things get.
What kind of men are here. Your biggest worry is being recognized as a father of children you have sired! I do not deny or hind my children. Never. If Le wife wants to leave so be it. Read jirongos interview on last Sundays nation newspaper.