Take This To The Bank - There Will Be No Referendum

Does anybody remember how Excited Ojingas were with the referendum to create (The People’s Republic of Kenya and the Central Republic of Kenya?)

Uhuru can’t afford another referendum. The guy thinks that by keeping quite, the referendum debate will “go away”. Just like the war on corruption and the demolishon of buildings was meant to keep us busy during the fuel tax debate, the referendum debate is meant to keep us busy for something - not sure what it is. But three months from now, there will be no debate about this nonsense.

We are mourning you fool

Hii watu ya Ruto are shadow boxing

Sperm Bank ama which Bank?

What are you mourning about? Pole in advance

You are partially right, the coming floods and holiday deaths will drown out the referendum debate for a while.

Jana in local tv an MP and lawyer anasema referendum itakuwa so that Ruto can be tamed !!

very naive

This country is broke. Our government has now realized the mistake of their reckless borrowing, so they imposed the fuel tax to try and raise money. China could take the standard gauge line, or the Mombasa port or JKIA, we wouldn’t be the first ones. We have 417 guys in the Legislature, and the majority of them are only interested in their own welfare and being puppets for their parties. And remember these guys have salaries. I don’t support most of Longy’s proposals, but the Punguza Mizigo initiative could be beneficial to us. That’s my take.

Go drying you worthless bootlicker

The fuel tax was introduced because, the IMF required it of us, to keep our debt in check, not because the gova realized it has over borrowed, gova hasn’t realized shit,

Its not so much of reckless borrowing as opposed to stealing that which was recklessly borrowed. There’s next to nothing to show for all those loans taken.

Also, reducing the number of legislators isn’t going to change anything as much as there needs to be some trimming of positions.

Oh, okay.

If he’s not tamed si atatuuza? I’m not being facetious, that guy scares me for real! :oops: Greedy and self serving beyond words…

I have heard that “scare me” phrase from so many people. And I agree.

I give Ruto his due. He is definitely brilliant and has risen from such humble beginnings that you gotta give him credit. But on the other hand, he is very ruthless and looks like the kinda guy who can become a dictator very easily.

Yeah “scary” is the right word to describe his impending presidency. I think he reminds people of the dark days of Kanu when it was open looting by a few loyal, kitchen cabinet. Is Ruto the kind of leader who steps down at the conclusion of his term limit? I fear for where we are headed as a country.

We can’t change constitution to fix or suite individuals. …but we must have that change !