Take The Poll; Most Retarded Villager

Who do you think is the most retarded

Patco hands down.

Hiyo list inakaa cast ya Dumb and Dumber.

ungetupea multiple votes



Losing to tumbo kombucha means the village trully hates you:D:D:D:D:D

[SIZE=6]Hii thread nimepewa permission na mkubwa nikunie. Kwa hivyo kila mtu aokote gunia yake haraka upesi na atoke unyoya before I start![/SIZE]

Half of this list ilikula block kitambo sana

@administrator why do you allow buttco to shit on threads before all ghaseers stated as retards defend themselves? A retard like Digi would have come with all his handles and this would be more exciting.
Fanya kazi yako , everyone has right to defend themselves . Buttco should be warned for the last time .

Patco from number na handles zake kumi zikifuata

Si you just block him and his other 10 handles. It does not take more than 30 seconds to do so.

UMMEFFI thread!

gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy tafuta @patco akudinye

@Electronics4u ona results , follow this thread . talkers hate that homosexual @patco @WIGSPLITTA @T.Vercetti spaming threads

[SIZE=5]Wanaume don’t snitch. Wanaume don’t beg other men to fight their battles.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Undergo a secks change at your nearest clinic hapo Busiaa alafu weka hips tuone. Sewer rat.[/SIZE]

How do I block someone nimesahau.

Leo Admin amefanya kazi. [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]@buttco mckunyi [COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]alikuwa anajaribu kuharibu hii thread lakini amezimwa.

Si ukuje unidinye wewe mwenyewe!

Peasant niaje

@Electronics4u pin hii thread .

Sawa kiongos