Si kwa ubaya but watoto wa wasee who were born in the 80s, hawasikii maneno… Leo nimekana a group of them who reside in my hood 6times wawache mchezo ya ufala mbele ya mlango yangu… Hawasikii… Hii nishida ya bangi, pombe, mihadarati na p2 wazazi wao wameconsume wakiwa college and after college.saa hii kuna mwingine akakick kibuyu kwa stairs akiendesha gari na mdomo.
una bahati hawakukojolea flower pot yako
Ilibidi niweke hidden cam facing outside from my kitchen window since ina face the entry door, kuna mmoja wa hawa nugu aliweka vijiti za kifagio kwa padlock yangu when i was away.
I haven’t understood a thing…
There is nothing I hate more. There is a reason I don’t plan on raising a family in a mbuloti especially for someone like me who loves peace and quiet.
Problem of living in a place with no recreational amenities. Sio eti siku zetu zilikuwa nyingi but at least we used to play in the streets kucheza bano, blada, pushing tyres, fishing tadpoles, riding bicycles, cha mama na cha baba. Siku hizi kids have the stairs only. Alafu, kwani unaishi wapi? I thought padlock ni ya gate ama store?
Hama. They’re here, mama. They prolly think you’re the ass.
wachia watoi kakitu bana, usukue hard ivo.
Along super higway… Mlango ni ya chuma… Wasee wa uptown hawawezi relate kufunga mlango na padlock…
Sasa vitu zimeandikwa in plain sight wewe bado unataka ufanyiwe digestion…
I’m slow kabisa today… Don’t mind me
hama plot ten babaa
hata mimi my deer nimesoma mara tatu ndio nikaelewa chenye hii ngombe imeandika
Si wewe pekee yako. I’m wondering why children’s mothers and dads are being abused by someone who probably has no kids.
Usijalu. One day utaishi Muthaiga or its equivalent.
looong shot
In life lazima kuwe na watu kama wewe na phyglee… Akili zina 124 mb ram. Lazima akili ifanye buffering ndio muelewe…