
You know there are some things in this world that I don’t know why they happen. So apart from kina @dark maasai kuwa talented frauds, they are the worst perpetrators of taboos in history.

So am taking a walk in this very deep parts of Maasai Lands, uko maze kila dem unapatana na yeye ni either ako under age ama amezeeka. So macho imechafuka sana, nko badly in need of jik eye drops, as the ones posted here can’t remove stubborn stains. Nkakam across a homestead

Finally Mungu anaskiza kilio changu, napatana na kidem exactly my type. Na she is soo light skin, machungwa imesimama saa sita haijadrop ata na one second, matter core iko yenye at least mtu unaeza grab ufeel softness imejaa kwa mkono. Nkaona hapa nsipojitetea then I’ll live to regret this for the rest of my life.

Mara that that nmemfikia, after praying for courage, kumgotea maA B C D, buda wake akatoklezea, ikabidi mnigga nimejitoa coz wamaasai wakiudhika akuna cha kugombana, ni rungu na kisu ndo inaongea. But nlimake a mental note kuback iyo place when things have cooled down. Before ata niende mbali nakutana na majamaa, nawagotea na kuulizia zaidi kuhusu dem mwenye nlimcheki, naambiwa ati ameolewa boma yenye nmetoka, in fact mwenye nlikua nadhani ni budake kumbe ni bwanake.

Sasa nimechapiwa story full, imesemekana ati the guy alimzaa mtoto yeye mwenyewe, but mtoto kugrow up, jamaa akaanza kumyandua, mpaka sasa ni kama ni bibi, weh! Na its true, wenye wamenipea iyo risto hawaezi danganya, nimebaki nkishangaa, nkiduwaa na nkibungaa. How the hell on God’s green earth do you sleep with your kid and even end up marrying them later, how??

Alafu watu wa area hawacomplain, ata mama mtoto hacomplain, jeez!!

Eish!! Vile umemdescribe, wacha tu

Its a fucked up society unaeza aje nyandua your own kid

Fathers have a way of screwing up their kids, by what they do or don’t do. I pray all the time I guide these ones properly.

Its sooo fucked up, na ata villagers hawacomplain

Their is SCREWING UP, and their is SCREWING

That can never happen in that part of Kenya, the mzee can be ostracized.

saitan ashindwe . hata anambao aje

Aaaaaaah. Sisi tumezoea. Hope kwa hiyo mzee si mwengine anaitwa Moriaso who is notorious for that?
Moriaso is a filthy rich mzee. When people were being compensated for land to harvest power, he got lots of cash akajenga mara getway… hapo suswa.
Moriaso used to have a hotel hapo suswa town and had very pretty daughters.
All his daughters used to work for him as waitresses. He had banged wote wanne. Na akiulizwa na wazee wengine rika yake, anasema ni wake he can do whatever he wants with them…
It got so bad ilibidi wazee waingilie. It got to a point where he could take the last daughter to school (high school boarding) then anamfanyia shopping ya nguvu. Akimdrop hapo kwa gate anamfanyia mambo kwa gari then anaenda. The elders wa rika ilibidi wamwambie atulie ama wamcurse… ikabidi acheze chini. Ungeenda huko kuomba msichana for marriage unafukuzwa kama selle na mzee mwenyewe… very messed up…

matata hii

Na ukaamini hiyo story?

I know one bender that broke all four of her daughter’s virginity. It started when he married his step daughter. An illegitimate daughter that came with her wife. Fucked up mzee that one. I dated her last born daughter for a month and it got really deep only to ask for the man who laid claim to her hymen. It was a shocker!

iyo story ni truest, Moran si watu wa kuongea ovyo ovyo

uyo inasemekana pia anapeleka watoi while the day before, then on the night to opening, ananyanyuana kwa lodge

Hii ndiyo inaitwa gender-bending.

Tuko tuu hapa tunangoja comments

makosa! Si nilidhani Rednecks na Waarabu ndio tu hukamua wasichana yao.