Hawa wanaume wakale wanapenda tabia flani ya kulala wanaume wawili ama watatu kwa kitanda moja…ama kuishi wanaume kama saba kwa nyumba moja…
Hi tabia niliona sana campus…unapata maninja kama kumi wanaishi keja moja alafu kazi nikupika skuma ugali 24/7
When other men are thinking of more important things like how to spend this Sunday, or at least even what to eat for breakfast, kazi yako ni kuongelelea wanaume wenzako. Yaani jibaba mzima unaamka hii asubuhi yoote uongelelee wanaume wenzako! How many Kalenjin men do you know and what interest do you have in them?[ATTACH=full]397726[/ATTACH]
A generation ago Plains Nilote communities young men would live together after circumcision as the standing army. Kale culture is still very strong and unrelated young men living together is not a strange idea.
I see no problem here I am a proud Kalenjin and we have brother hood, is it bad living together like brothers?
pilipili usiyoila yakuwashiani
Wakalenjin walipata hizo tabia from the Luos living next door to them, although some historians have concluded that all Nilotes are predisposed to have gay characteristics. Maybe they acquired those tendencies in Egypt or Arab influence, who knows.
In cultures where young males stay locked away together for long periods at a time they tend to become ga.y e.g even in prison or the navy.
For Luos e.g @Swansea Ochollah when they are out there in the fishing boat for many many hours at a time listening to Tony Nyadundo’s greatest hits and love portions, @Swansea will start looking at @slevyn in some type of way and before you know it they are shaking the boat very aggressively and scaring the kamongo fish away. @Swansea Ochollah will shout Njaruo battle cries as he destroys @slevyn Omondi’s brown hole without fear or favour.
Nilotes are a filthy breed.:rolleyes:
It not a big deal. Our women have big buttocks.
:D:D:D lakini patco you are too gay…hii attention to detail is too good to be unexperienced…
Wallahi yorgey
Kalenjins are cultured folks. You’ll never find a ghey kale. faggotry is dominated by luos and kiuk celebs
There was a Kalenjin talker by the name of @Budspencer and one time a long time ago on a website called kl.ist, the guy gave a hekaya of how he used to take off his clothes and grab a milking stool…
This was around 2013. @Budspencer is from Bomet County and he grows bhoma Rhodes grass and some maize. He is also a trained gsu afande although that story sounded fake when he started telling us of how he has killed terrorists in Somalia using his bare hands like john rambo.
So anyway @Budspencer said that at night he would walk very quietly like a GSU ninja towards the nearest cow shed. He would tie the cow nicely to the mbao. He would look left and right to make sure farmer Boit is not watching, then he would climb on the milking stool and start shaking the cow shed very aggressively while shouting uuuuwi …
@Budspencer was caught one time by farmer Boit but he ran away into the maize plantation like a stible jase wal champio leaving his clothes behind. So nowadays he goes to commit beastiality butt naked like a true Kalenjin nilotic warrior.
Kalenjin spiderman @Kemoi
Warriors brotherhood
you always come up with oddly creative imaginations when it comes to animal rape and sodomy. Its like you’ve done it many times. Enda ufunuliwe boot na wazungu ghaseer afterall you love them soo much
But why would I make shit up. For instance it was the very same @Budspencer who regaled us with tales of how as young boys they would let the calves suckle on their penises. He said it was a very common practice in Bomet!
@budspenser was a very sick bastard during the kl.ist days.
Also Google it. Pastoralism and beastiality huwa zinapelekana hivi :
Luhyas fuak chickens, Kalenjins fuak cows and goats.
In majority african cultures men stay together. women stay separate. Hii ingine ya kufuatana kila mahali na wanawake mumeletewa na simps wazungu.
you are a well known homosexual