Sweater than her looks

Above average [ATTACH=full]369669[/ATTACH]

Some women look cute when they sit, lakini wakisimama ni mambo mengine.

Came here to see a sweater .
She does need to cover them titties asipate pneumonia.

Samehea hiyo umbwa ujiita Mzee Manyau ghasia takataka, haikusoma saaana

pneumonia gani inaingilia matiti jameni :D, alafu I thought tits are sufficiently insulated with fat

Which titties???


:D:D:D mi sijui, those are the threats we got from our mothers when we wore light tops…now I’m beginning to wonder if they invented the whole pneumonia thing with other concerns in mind.

Hakuna “titties hapa.” Hizo zake zinaitwa nyodo au breasts. Titties are ten leagues above these fallen soldiers of hers.

What ze fcuk is goin on here?

Zinaingiza baridi… Pneumonia Ur right…Am a native of tea growing areas…with the cold and all…Can’t find a chick dressed like this…Even the one desperate to be offed from the market

Potitties ,potatoes , same difference to me.

Sweaters , pneumonia and the rise and fall of tirries.

You mean doz titties are a flippity floppity,can the person jump for joy atleast ama tungoje kiasi?

you are a known bottom homosexual always dissing women.

tombwa mkundu polepole na @imei2012 akisaidiwa na @kanguthu

Don’t know this Village’s fascination with the word Mkundu…U come across as uncultured once you type it

Of course, she meant pneumonia that could only be treated by Dr. RingDing

Famous Fables …

I once overheard Grandma telling my Sister if She shook the hand of a non-relative Male , She would get Pregnant …

It took me a while to understand the significance of that Wisdom … :D:D

Ata kama you have a suit of armour, bora kama nose haujacover utapata tu hio pneumonia, so might as well show the goods


This gal is a gem in twitter.
I love her mean ass tattoos as well