Surviving the Andes Plane Crash Documentary

kama wewe ni fan wa documentary you should watch this

maboy wa rugby wa uruguay walikuwa wanaenda kucheza match chile in 1972…
captain wa team akadai kuna 10 extra seats kwa plane, so some palyers wakainvite family na wengine girlfriends

Nando ali invite mama yake na siz yake…

fast-forward the plane crushed friday 13th on Andes, pilot ali-blunder due to bad weather walijipata border Andes kule agrentina

28 survived, most were injured…co pilot alisurvive but he was in so much pain akachukuwa pistol akajipiga ya kichwa:eek:

day 1 went by
walikuwa wanadhani rescue inakuja within 3 days ivi lakini wapi?

walikuwa wanakula the small food kama choclate na wine for the first week

the injured started kukufa, then food ikakatika kabisa in the second week

maboy wakachapwa na starvation

iyo mountain haikuwa na ata mti moja to make a fire, ni snow and rocks

maboy ilibidii wakuwe cannibals
they eat their dead friends RAW to survive

this went on for 60 days

halafu tumake it worse avalanche ikatokea buried them alive 8 more pple died

Nando na maboy wawili waliamua kuchapwa na snow kupanda iyo mlima

after 3 days walifika peak kumbe there was nothing there, boy moja aka ambiwa arudi kushow hao wengine kwa Nando and friend wount stop till they die or come with rescue

maboy walichapwa na snow 10 days hadi wakapataa kamzae on a horse

first mzae hakuwasaidia, they were so weak

mzae wa pili ndio aliwasaidia

it is a very inspiring story the will to survive

16 survived[ATTACH=full]175364[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]175365[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]175366[/ATTACH]

halafu reporter mwingine fala anawauliza what did u eat to survive u can see their guilt in their eyes they didnt answer that question


Wah.Ni kama drama.Ni kama video.

Or watch the movie ‘Alive’

over 60 days :eek: kwani hizo siku watu wa search and rescue walikuwa down aje

movie pia ilikuwa motto in 1993 lakini documentary iko comprehensive

walikuwa wanasaka north part of andes, it was called off after a month…ata siku ya rescue pilots thought NANDO was crazy juu pilot alisema hakuna kitu anaona uyu jamaa amechizi

They should thank their gods they were in top physical condition.

Kuna mmoja alikuwa anabeba mkono ya maiti kwa mfuko ana_snack polepole tu kusongesha siku.

I remember watching this in form 2, February half term. It was raining heavily that Saturday morning so I couldn’t go out. So I find this vhs tape with a true story of Rugby players. Since I just started playing Rugby a year earlier it peaks my interest. The movie is sad and gloomy. I almost cried at the end when they were rescued. Such stories never leave you.

wrink ya downloadable file

it just show u r human kaka
it was very sad indeed

l think walipewa [SIZE=5] Counselling[/SIZE] juu iyo mambo sio eazy …kuna boy moja alikataa kukula human flesh alitandikwa na starvation walimpataa amekula stoke next morning

Thanks. bookmarked for the coming long weekend - Praying that Eid will be on Friday

A very good documentary, If I remember correctly Nando gave his friends the green light to eat his dead mama’s body.

yeah Nando alipokuwa anaenda kusaka usaidizi aliwashow if they run out of bodies they can use his mother and sister

ile kitu hunishangaza they use to eat it raw waaaah

What a story! No words… mad respect to those two guys. But funny thing… I did not hear none of them mentioning God???