Supreme Court gravy train
No wonder some judges don’t want to retire before next year’s elections.
It’ll be raining cash

mimi sasa nashanga guka mzee kama tunoi kwanini ana kubali ku uza soul yake ju ya pesa…

I don’t trust the star but i know there is fire where smoke billows.

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Ati guka? Everybody likes money.

As some wise crack asked the other day. What haven’t these judges achieved in 70 years that they hope to achieve in the 4 they are fighting to remain judges?
It definitely lowers the stature of the judiciary when the senior most judges in the land are the ones seen to abuse the judicial system.
The current justice system is deeply flawed and should be scrapped, prisons opened up and all prisoners sent home. Then we start afresh.

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Everybody has a price only difference is the amount

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If "smart"people read the star,how smart are they?

If you have issues with the star

you and me both. i have never trusted that gutter paper.


Good thing you dont make policy

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Kenyans have too much freedom for a young incohesive state. The only thing that will save this country is shove any pretensions to democracy aside and develop the country. And for that to happen you need a benevolent dictator. Do we have a Mahathir in Kenya?

We have idiots. But, for the benevolent dictator to work, he’ll need to reverse gains made in terms of freedom.
It may cause commotion and some national turmoil.
He’ll have to take away land from the rich and give the poor (the idiot poor will see that “their man is being finished”)
He’ll have to jail very senior people (expect the tribesmen to make noise and throw stones and block roads)
He’ll have to cut wages arbitrarily and raise for those who earn virtually nothing (professionals will go mad)
But if he does this, and reduces taxes, and allows business to thrive, and makes it easy for people to access credit and damn near stupidly low interest rates,
then maybe we have a winner.

Let us do what we want. We dont need some nigga to tell us what we need. We can return to the cave if we want.