A friend has the supercab and I can confirm that thing is a beast .Nunua by all means
Hehe … khasia
Last 3 digits ??? Nirushie job ya kuosha 150 pekee since maki ni ya mtaro :D:D:D:D
Yes it is. But there’s a bigger one called super chief. Nikiiona na niwe na super dip lens nitaleta huku pia
Is a no for me
Weka bica ya Raptor ghasia
I once saw a Ugandan registered F150. Man that animal is a beast to behold
Aise huyo jamaa amekuenjoy Raptor ndio nickname ya Ford F150
Trinity it is. A pal owns it and driving it is sheer pleasure…
Hapana tambua Ford apart from Ford Focus Ecoboost.
Hailux anytime
Why does that Ecoboost sound weak hehehe
The bumper of that monster is magnificent…he was not in any hurry.
I fed my eyes to that succulent sight right behind me from my tiny side mirrors.
Till you drive it
Tingika Tingika @Makonika :D:D:D
One day I will hehehe shida ni LHD