Morning wadau
@Mkulima @mkulimabora @kalel na wakulima wengine naomba mawaidha.
Ninapanga kuanzia a farming venture on about o.75acre piece of land.
Maji iko sorted
Shida ni crop.
My plan was this: set up a wooden greenhouse of about 200-300.sqm. kuna miti kwa shamba so cost kubwa ni karatasi na labour. Hii itacost kitu 100k.
Crop ya kupanda kwa greenhouse ikue Tomato.
Hio field itabaki kitu 2000sqm niweke kitunguu ama garlic.
Sasa nikiwa pilka pilka zangu nimepatana na story za kupand herbs. Mint & others. Anyone with experience in this.
Nimepata pia story ya kitu inaitwa CHIA (sp) seed. Mtu pia ako na experience info ya hii pia.
Wadau your input, advice, critique is welcome.
shamba iko embu county
Before embarking on any planting, get yourself delivery contracts signed off. Otherwise, utarudi hapa ukilia “ooooh I have a shamba full of crop and I don’t know where to sell.”
Hotels, Supermarket chains, food processors, exporters na pia brokers… Talk to all of them first, then you will know what to grow
Hii hapa ni gold mine… middle class siku hizi wants to eat healthy and exotic…kuna jamaa najua ako na greenhouses mbili peke yake full of exotic herbs, he is making good money…but you have to be very dedicated to this business, not a side hustle
Say. I have a 8-5 currently so wanted to start this a side hustle. So niwache mambo ya herbs kwanza
Farming as a side hustle…utakamuliwa kamu kamu. If you really want to enjoy the fruits of your labor, quit your job and focus on farming. Telephone Farmers ni wengi wanalia in the cities.
Source of water ni gani,kama ni mto ama dam wachana na mambo ya greenhouse
Sio lazima uwache but you need to have a very hands on approach…nilijaribu got into big debts
Panda mogoka. sure bet
@emali give us your experience, we will be glad to learn from your failures
Plant hay and bale it after harvest.
Minimal input, ready market and if lucky the rains are sufficient like this year you can squeeze in 3 harvests.
Want to start small with some savings. And then hopefully scale up.
I had just got back from e.europe…got the idea from a farmer there…my parents had an idle piece of land in ruai… got a firm to build me some state of the art greenhouses costing me more than 1m… imported seedlings from the farmer with tips on how to grow them…did fine for 3 months even had orders from big hotels…had to go back to europe…my cousin was running it for me under my instructions…3 months later he sends me pictures of some rentals going up
If u have to do farming and wont have 100% time…fanya vile @Mathaais amesema hapo juu
Embu niwapi kulipandwa hay
Hehehe sijui embu vizuri
Haiya had not seen this. Source ni mto. Na how does that relate na greenhouse?
I mean hakuna
Yaani alichukuwa earnings zako akajenga rentals na akapata hadi guts za kukutumia picha
Akabomoa greenhouses zangu eti rentals have more returns…kawaida ya wakenya zero productivity
Na rentals zilikuwa za mabati