Sum Ting Wong with the Chinese

Once again I find a short but brutal video of Chinese folks beating the black off a defenseless African, and unfortunately nobody was there to save him from getting his kneecaps broken. No backstory on this but the gang of burly rice farmers armed with crude weapons look like typical thugs in an IP Man movie.

Perhaps the poor black man owed the Triad money and he couldn’t pay up. Maybe he was giving Mrs. Wong something thick, black and long. Or was it the colour of his skin that offended them? Whatever the case they were serious-Lee pissed off.

Hamurabi summed it up very nicely.
Can someone in Africa laugh out last and loudly?

Wacha tumalizane na Wu-covid 19 walaumbwa watatii. Saa hii ni kucheza hide and sick halafu vairus ikipita sasa tunaanza kuwa toa siaka.


In Nigeria they’ve started burning Chinese warehouses

Na bado shonde zingine zinakuja hapa na kutupotezea wakati na hotuba na ibada ati slit snake eyes tusiwaambie warudi…
Some ni@@ers will always be in the dark

The heck. :oops: What’s the backstory? jeez

Some house negros like @Sambamba think they’re Chinese and sophisticated enough to see that this is propaganda

Elo started cooking as soon as he heard about the boys on the street. The Nigerian trader opened an informal restaurant in Foshan, a manufacturing city half an hour’s train ride from Guangzhou, where dozens of Africans became homeless last week.


Evictions from homes and apartments started when Guangzhou authorities announced that five Nigerians had tested positive for COVID-19. Within days, a campaign was launched to test and track all Africans in the port city.

The sudden and sweeping move was consistent with China’s response to the coronavirus. But it was propelled by a troubling logic that targeted people based on race rather than their contact history. The measure ignited a diplomatic outcry and a crisis on Guangzhou’s streets.

Some of the displaced Africans were longtime residents forced from their homes. Others were businessmen who’d completed 14-day quarantines, but then couldn’t find any hotels that would accept them.

They roamed the streets in the rain and slept under highway overpasses, huddled on the pavement in face masks. They filmed videos of police shouting at them, pressing young men to a wall, and of signs posted in apartment buildings and restaurants — including McDonald’s — saying: “No blacks.”

[INDENT]I saw a lot of videos, boys hanging outside, they were hungry… I just have to support, to see the people eat food,” Elo, 36, said. He made big batches of moi moi, a Nigerian steamed bean cake, and asked a Chinese friend to deliver them to Guangzhou, afraid that he’d be targeted if he went out.[/INDENT]

Then his landlord called.

'No blacks': Evicted, harassed and targeted in China for their race amid coronavirus

they just worried niggas with 10 inch dongs watajaa Beijing and impregnate their women… once chinese women start taking African dick in mass , imagine how insecure these fuckers will feel ni kama animals protecting territory, happens everywhere ata ukiingia class there are always those niggas who feel threatened by your precense

Retaliation is the only thing that works without fail. When the internet gets a few videos of Chinese men being lynched in Africa in retaliation to what we are seeing the Chinese in China will stop lynching Africans.

Hii ni ya zamani. Plus retaliation works. Kujifanya mature haisaidii. You mess with us over there and we do the same here and post it. Mzungu hajui kusamehea.

Have you heard what Americans say about 9/11? They say “Never Forget”. What do you think that means for the Muslims?

No idea

I think so

These Chinese keep saying Africans are bringing covid into their country. Are they living in an upside down universe?! Wuhan flu came from China. It’s a 100% Chinese virus. Lol. You wonder what propaganda the CCP is feeding these people.

Insnt this the fella who was beaten for having a Chinese girlfriend and was found sleeping in her room?

I guess we did a piece on that! Once the Yellow, Whites, Browns control their CCP, they shall blame any resurgence on Blacks if Africa does not control its share of CCP adequately. That is the reason we wan’t Magu-something to get the gist of it. There is no point in having some parts of Africa still hoarding CCP! Cohorts of certain proven CCP magnitudes would require special treatment for those affected, and they shall be “beaten” into compliance! From 84 cases in one day, I would pull out a number like 142 as the next number of new cases in TZ. I need not prove it, anyway!