It’s been almost a month since I quit drinking. Was given some drugs to keep alcohol withdrawal syndrome at bay. Got into a bitter argument leo. Harsh words were exchanged.
I was going to numb the pain with alcohol – copious amounts of alcohol. Lakini I spotted the meds and figured out, “I don’t have much to live for anyway, so why not swallow all these tablets?” While I don’t find overdosing to be a classy means of self-destruction, I haven’t got much choice.
Leteni matusi sasa. I’ll be online until 22.00hrs.
Shit. Things were going so well… I was on the path to recovery. Whenever I felt the need to vent, I’d saunter here and insult @poyoloko.
Later, fuckers. I’m too much of a pussy to swallow all these meds at once. Nameza kiasi kiasi. I’ve already swallowed 7 Haropenidol tabs.
@administrator , @Mundu Mulosi Bs Ms Ma PhD and ScD : This idiot might be serious. You have his contact information. Send someone to check out his mental status.
One thing I’ve learnt while playing video games is you have to appreciate failure in order to succeed.
In my actual life I ‘respawn’ until I beat the level and it’s on to the next one.