"Successful" People Have No Feelings/ No remorse whatsoever!

After many years dealing with real billionaires and some top leaders, I have come to the conclusion that to be really successful, you must put aside your feelings… No empathy and when you show such empathy, it is totally stage managed/ acted to achieve a particular objective. You know some Mama Gavan who used some naive hairdresser to steal cash from NYS then disowned the latter? You know that many of the so-called critical infrastructure projects are means to steal cash by Billionaires in power? Do you know that many of the so-called scandals are committed by extremely wealthy people using simple-minded fellows too? They do this while they watch many news covering people dying of hunger because they stole the cash meant for them, even foodstuffs for relief?

Is that what people call “selling your soul to the devil”? So you can do ANYTHING and have not feelings about it whatsoever? Anyway I do not envy them… And these people will kill without second thought…

Birronaire are the coldest son of bitches. They will do whatever it takes to close the deal or eliminate competition. They are only 2 ways about it, you are with us or against us. Most of them wako na namba ya hitman kwa speed dial. Wahenga walisema more money, more problems.

A case in point is some former Gavana from Central who is rumored to be a pharmacist but who is no trained at all for it and is all over the social media, TV and radio stations talking like he is an angel… this one is the coldest of the coldest snakes… and he is untouchable… These fellows have two opposing faces… one looks very friendly, approachable, generous… the other is simply that of the proverbial/ Biblical Devil…

this thriller/mystery movie of your isn’t understandable please name the person because not all of us have watched it

Unfortunately, psychopathy (when it’s functional) is strongly associated with success. For some reason, no one wants to be led by a good guy in a wold of wolves

I will not name names but those privy to Kenya political scene knows the former Gavna who is eloquent and is suspected to be a pharmacist… the one who was involved with a university student whose names when translated to Kikuyu means some obscene thing who died under mysterious circumstances… he is mouthy… very mouthy…

I agree with you… I work very closely with a few of the well known billionaires in Kenya and can attest to that… and everything they do is about THEM and not about anybody else… the point of reference is “WHAT IN IT FOR ME”, If not I will not listen to you… and if possible they will steal from you…

get your facts right, kama ni pharmacist did he give your mami an abortion ama how many of your kin or friends are hooked on cocaine and heroine. sip some gilbeys and sleep achana na yeye he did better than the impeached illiterate bastard.

No doubt that he did better than the impeached fellow… That is a known fact… that is not what my point is… in fact it has nothing to do with his leadership skills… No way! I am talking about his cold calculating skills out there… about pharmacy, I said rumored… suspected…

Nothing wrong with making clean billions…my issue is the desire for more…kwani how much can a man horde to satiate his greed?
@ some point…walk off the table go somewhere nice and quiet and settle in some waterfront property and enjoy…jeff bezos money is more than enough for me to never ever ever ever toil for cash ever again.

that short man should be a presidential candidate he is learned and does what is expected of him except for his few degrading utterances. how would you feel if you ran for office and people disqualify you because of your escapades to the brothels in down town yet it doesn’t affect your performance at work

The problem is that most of them use underhand tactics, sometimes threat sometimes real murders to achieve their feat… Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates are good case studies who use strong-arm manipulative tactics on their clients and workers and competitors in order to succeed… The desire to want more is okay to me as long as it is done fairly and legally…

Do you know why the short fellow lost it really? He brushed the ‘gods’ ok Kiambu and in fact Kenya the wrong way, so they unleashed well-choreographed and believable propaganda on him… I will give you a clue - mashamba and subdivision manenos… now if you are in the inner system, you should know what I am talking about… I would not elect him though, because I somehow know him more than your average Kenyan… But that would not stop him from winning because he is sharp and very convincing… I do not want to say that he is as corrupt if not worse than his foolish successor… but evidence… no way we can find it so he is not corrupt!

Wueh…I would rather be a billionaire with a few billions and retain my humanity.

As a birrionea, I have interacted with some guys who don’t care about people. If a thousand people has to die to get what they want, they are okay with it and won’t even lose sleep about not.

In fact there are many who are that cold but are very unassuming… to the ordinary eye, they are very friendly, soft… but when they target what you have, nothing will stop them… BTW many of these fellows hardly sleep properly without taking some drugs… or some other substances…

Kama unaweza order an assassination ya a rival ama family or friend just to add more to your wealth without feeling any remorse. You are ready to be a birrionaire.
Lakini the question i have for you ni since you are not a birrionaire, ushawai throw a close friend ama family member under the bus to earn kila kitu from a deal?
Kama ni no, you can’t be a birrionaire

I agree with your reasoning… So, though not all billionaires had to do that, many, in fact the vast majority have passed your testing with flying colors in all forms and at different times… all the time!

Unamaanisha Kabogo…how about kina Joho,Rigathi na Waititu…si lazima wakuwe kwa biz ya pharmacy but whatever they do ,they do it with the very cold heart.Kama Waititu vile aliruka yule pastor mwizi

BTW even Kabogo might really not be a drugs fellow… but that is what identifies him… the same way Kenyans believe that BIDCO means Biwott and Daniel Company… And Kabogo is aware of his identity… I also agree with you, Waititu is also very very cold fellow when pursuing the riches, trust me I also have met him and know this too well… For Rigathi, it is rather obvious that he has been as cold as sh*t from Moi days during 1992 Molo clashes where he was DO as his tribesmen were being speared under his watch… I was just giving an example…

you cant enjoy stolen money because you will always want MORE. it requires greed, selfishness on a grand scale to pursue that.