Word. Most drunks are idiots who will bring bullshit to your vicinity
Wewe ni mjinga
If you are single…it is very possible tusave 300k…rent ikiwa 20k- 30k…and other expenses 70k, I think it is 100% possible
Mimi. I drink and never want Pussy. I was told a popular vixen she could remove all her clothes & I won’t feel shit. Something I learnt very early was;- if you don’t control something it will control you. And controlling anything starts and ends in YOUR MIND. Learn to muster your mind and you will be counted amongst the greatest warriors of earth.
Valuable lesson here. It all starts with the MIND
But addiction can be tough to control…imagine if you have been fucking hot 20s something girl…then you decide to stop…you might backslide file mbaya sana
In my case my drinking was getting out of control nika amua ikae.drinking buddies pia.hao huleta hasara ile kubwa…
Good chums comes in handy with side chicks and acohol. Huwezi hepa trust me, learn how to balance the two ama oa kama msee msito mosadeh:D
Mimi huenda kunywa Sabina joy bila kutomba hizo Malaya.Sometimes naenda strip club nalewa napewa lap dance bila kutomba stripper. Pombe sio mbaya,just take it na ujanja na ujielewe ndio usimess.
Drinking is good so long as you are able to control it. One piece of advice, as earlier stated avoid drinking buddies like a plague, still, avoid a favourite pub/bar/club, this way u will be able to control ur self and beer, also avoid familiarity with ladies. Visit a massage and brothel once each in a month. One for full massage only and the other for massage and sex.
Women and alcohol are a recipe for disaster. That combination is an abyss that has swallowed great great men.
4 x/week is a tad rampant…the Russian twice a month is just fine…
Oeni vijana muwache ushenzi
But Ni ukweli
Pombe + kuma = mchele = loss of valuables/life.
So amua moja ukienda out pombe or kuma
drinking buddies wanaweza kuweka hasara hata kuliko malaya.
For once umesema kitu cha maana
Pombe na sigara sipendi what i like is puthy.
mpedna umesema kweli kabisa
The day u ferk the first lanye, u unknowingly signup for some spiritual sh!t that doesnt wither away just like that. Unaendanga hibernation 1-2weeks then unajipata in a situation uko na urge ya kutomba maliar.