Subaru at Wanjigi's offices

Yenyewe this time round Raila’s campaign is underwhelming. It is defensive/reactive not offensive/active. Something startles where he thought he lay safest

Its very poor. Campaign team is also highly toxic. It doesn’t even have one level headed folk there. One example is the partnership of odm and kibichoo bloggers race to the bottom. Attacking everyone that RAT would have ordinarily depend on for votes. The other mistake is is that everyone is there for the money. That expectations of billions from Kemsa billionaires, state and mama ngina. They formed groups and vessels to tap into the promised mass funding to come. A lot of brokers and conmen/women lined up to eat. Too bad the money hasn’t come so the frustration is boiling over increasing toxicity to record highs.

The end justifies the means. Ruto has money for this campaign but Raira is stuck with low finances