Su 75 checkmate

Is Kenya a potential customer?

I don’t understand why 3rd world countries should be investing all those resources in their defense budget.
Buying military hardware that they may never use.

Instead they should use those funds to modernize agriculture… but people need to “eat”

The Essence of military hardware is to make sure that you never use them.

Murica uses lot’s of $billions in the defense, including NASA, of which, a good % goes to R&D.
The good thing about it, is down the road, most of these technologies are released for civilian use.
Lakini hii yetu banaa.

Another scandal loading ! kwanza this ones are bad since they use the cover of security to coverup the rotten deals, remember we bought scrap jets from the middle east and trash choppers from Russia !

With American hardware even if you buy it can be remotely switched off. So this Su-75 is an attractive piece of technology.

Will Kenya buy it? Maybe?

Well,unless we are not afraid of CAATSA .

A useless bill.

Things are fluid who knows where the state of the world will be in a couple of years.

Zile SU 30 za Uganda naskia zote ziko grounded due to the high cost of flight time and maintenance. [SIZE=1]Just saying … u kno[/SIZE]

Propaganda ndio mtawacha …Ziko grounded aje na last week they were bombing rebels in Congo ? or they were grounded over the weekend ?
Uganda Begins Strikes Against Islamist Militants in Congo After Bombings - WSJ

Trust me … it’s no propaganda. I’m not saying they are not operable … no. They are mostly in-store in their bankers meaning the pilots rarely get any flight time with them. The operational and maintenance cost of those machines is way too high for a country like UG. It was basically the wrong platform for their air force. The reason why the Russians are targeting the African market for the SU75 … is for it’s low operating n maintenance cost. Ps. The article doesn’t mention the SU 30 specifically, they could have used their mig23 which is more suitable for the role.


Seriously …??

To fight Al Shabaab and Sunguta Valley Cattle Rustlers …???
(…these are our only current Security concerns …)

At a price of USD: 50 Million ( … plus spares and Training …) , is this something that we should even be considering …???

The thought that Kenya would ever be engaged in a serious all out War with our brother neighbors is less than extremely remote …
What would cause such a War and what exactly the end game …???

These resources are better deployed to enhance basic Infrastructure , Utilities , Health , Education , Agribusiness and small Industry initiatives …

That is if we can avoid voting into office Wheelbarrow Bottom Up Hustlers in 2022 … :D:D:D