Stupid thug greenlit Kanye west

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Kanye West has been posting HATEFUL messages on social media - where he publicly supports radical racists, including President Trump.
Now THE STREETS have put a hit out on Kanye for his actions.
Popular CRIP Daz Dilinger sent out the message yesterday posting, "All the Crips out there, y’all f*** Kanye up. You see that motherf*****, f*** his ass up on G.’
Daz, a popular 1990s rap artist continued, "‘Better not ever see you in concert. Better not ever see you around the LBC (Long Beach) Better not ever see you around California.’

Daz then CONFIRMED that the CRIPS have a hit out on Kanye - tweeting, “Stay in Calabasas, ya hear me? 'Cuz we got a Crip alert for Kanye. All the Crips out there - you see him, bang on his ass, f**k his ass up.”
Daz went on to mention the city where Kanye lives, saying: “Stay in Calabasas, ya hear me? ‘Cuz we got a Crip alert for Kanye … All the Crips out there — you see him, bang on his ass, f— his a-- up. ”
Daz Dillinger, real name is Delmar Drew Arnaud, continued 'It’s like, we all in one boat and they killing all of us and he jump over there and say, '‘Master, I’m on your side master. I got all the information. I’m with you master Trump.’
TMZ is claiming that Kanye now hired “bodyguards” to protect him from the CRIPS. See the above pic.
Snoop Dogg who is a FAMOUS Crip also issued a message to Kanye last week, after Kanye began tweeting nonsense.

courtesy of:

Can we deal with our homeland issues, for once, ama uhamie huko: Saitan

Home issues ya akina Raila na Uhuru iko kwa politics section sio entertainment: nugu

Trump is not a racist. He is a realist.

Black Americans are furious with this guy. He better watch his back because these crips especially the young ones wakipatiwa order from an OG (Daz) they implement it.

He has been saying dumb shit for a while.

See black killing blacks then blaming the white man

Kanye West is pretending he is crazy.

sasa hii ndio ubaya ya kuskiza salaams KBC kila siku .Hii story naiona hapa kusema ukweli.:D:D:D:D:oops:

Kanye ihas gone bonkers. He needs to be put down like a rabbied dog

Hata ukisema uwongo tutakupenda tu kikikiki :smiley:

Vitisho baridi. Kanye West is God, he can say whatever the hell he wants.

hahaha huyu na resident american flani anaSpam kijiji na mambo za Drumpf

aki i sweya,sikujua,hadi i googood:D:D:D:D:D it was about some folks taking a boat ride willingly to far lands,to work in plantations with no pay and constant BDSM…it was their choice:):):):):slight_smile: Kanye ni Kunyi sana

He has alot of valid points especially where he highlighted the hypocrisy of hip hop artists using Trump in their rhymes b4 he became prezo.

Kwako to me he is a nobody

I think he is sucking up to the crackers.

Trump was a thuggish business man and was suited to what he did back then but as US president it’s a different thing all together. He has absolutely no valid point whatsoever even if he’s entitled to his opinion. Hope he gets popped though for entertainment’s sake. It would be fantastic to know who is banging Kim alongside Yeezy.