If you’ve ever been driving long distance and were stopped by a cop, you’ve probably encountered this, unaulizwa very stupid questions at times and you have to be friedly ad provide a good/honest answer to them even if they’re none of their business. Unaenda wapi? Umetoka wapi? Unaenda kufanya nini? As if moving around in my own country warrants questioning… If you’re not stopping me for breaking the law, and I provide you with a valid drivers license, we don’t need to chitchat unnecessarily!
What are your experiences with cops asking stupid questions?
Once trying to make those kiss ass remarks while smiling and the dude be like “Na unacheka”. Nikamuuliza “Kwani unataka nilie”.
Jamaa was so pissed off akaniskuma kwa mkubwa uyo akaitisha zake straight forward nikisonga. Awa watu wanafaa waeke tu fine moja mzuri unalipa then allowed to speed hio mwaka. unawaonesha receipt badala kuwaste time
Ukisimamishwa simama, shusha kioo, waangalie na sura ngumu.
Akiuliza swali ya kijinga kunja sura kabisa ukimwangalia bila kutamka lolote, atazunguka gari na kukuonyesha ishara ya kuondoka.
They are not stupid questions. Rule numero uno of interrogation, ask easy questions that don’t require thinking to establish probability of lying hence suspicion. That’s why anauliza swali hizo za “kipuzi” then unasikia, “Weka gari kando”. If you can’t tell offhand where you are coming from or going or what is in your trunk then all the alarm bells go off. I was once asked the reg number of the car I was driving and it wasn’t mine, thanks to the identity on the side mirrors I answered promptly. Have you noticed that at times they take your DL and pause with it for a minute or two then call you out by your first name?
Hata majuu they ask those “stupid” questions. For example, murica a traffic cop stops you and asks, “Is this your car sir?” From your answer he gauges whether to ask for the registration (logbook that must always be in the car) and DL. Or, “Where are you headed sir?”