A friend of mine succumbed to death last week suffering from a stroke to his brain. he’s the 2nd person known to me after my brother in law. all was attributed to stress. some K-talkers assisted in advises in medication and some on what to be doing, God Bless them.
My point is, be careful guys, sometimes small things in and out of families affair’s can cause a person become stressful and this will lead to another thing. when i visited my friend before his death, he was at the hospital and couldn’t talk, his tongue was twisted and whoever visited him, tears were coming out of his eyes, he made me cry and couldn’t look nor visit him again, the next thing is a phone call from his brother that he has left us.
Maisha imekua ngumu sometimes someone has do more than much to provide for his family, sometimes, truly, hio riziki haitoshi, you end up thinking too much and stressing yourself, over and over till stress will take control of you and unajikuta upo in a bad situation health wise.
Do what you do but be careful not to go beyond stressing yourselves. Just be careful in your lives.
Pole sana. Stroke is no joke.
Even those who survive don’t recover fully. I remember a mzee who suffered stroke in our village. After recovering he started speaking kikuyu in Ki-Embu accent instead of Nyeri accent. Strange. Mind you he had never been in Embu all his life.
Many people walk around with high blood pressure. They even look physically fit! Stroke is one of the end results.
Stress is just another word for challenges we all face everyday.
The best cure for stress ni ujipende.
Fuck everyone else, put yourself first unapologetically.
Hii kujaribu kufurahisha kila mtu ndiyo usifiwe ama sacrificing your happiness ndiyo usisengenywe etc…
All are causes of stress.
If you’re in a bad relationship,get the fuck out! Hakuna kusema ati you’re staying for the kids nyef nyef…
The same kids might turn their backs on you later in life wakisha get brainwashed by the mum.
Provide for them as a matter of duty and move on.
Unless it’s for immigration purposes or financial gain don’t get married.
Marriage is something that people used to do in the sixties and seventies, these days people just do weddings.
The secret to dealing with stress is living the present fully, one day at a time knowing very well that your tomorrow depends on your actions today. And being satisfied and content with what you have. Kwanza good health is something that many people take for granted. That’s why I love luhya’s lifestyle…Unakula unashiba, I love our lifestyle …treat you self like king with the little you have then apply Okuyu strategies kiasi. .invest what you can. Alafu kuwa maasai kidogo. …tosheka na life. This how I live my life.