A beggar paid to look after a baby.
A street trader and shoeshine.
A fruit vendor.
A street procession on Bonfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Night.
People in front of a rag shop in Lambeth, London, where the Thames annual tidal overflow causes hardship to the locals.
Friends enjoy a beer outside The Wallmaker, a public house.
A man waits for fatigued or adventurous promenaders in a London common to approach him for a donkey ride.
A street photographer at work on Clapham Common.
A shellfish stall owner sells oysters and whelks.
A fancy ware dealer sells ornaments from his barrow.
An Italian harpist entertains local children on the street.
A “Gypsy” caravan at an encampment near Latimer Road in Notting Hill.
Public disinfectors sanitize the streets after an outbreak of smallpox.
Flower women selling bouquets at Covent Garden market.
A secondhand furniture shop.
Nice ones. I also like watching the silent film charlie chaplin a 1914 film, which has similar scenes
athande thana. I will add these to my collection of TBT photos
Nice n interesting.
Life was just simple
Pictures were taken slightly more than a decade before Jack the Ripper went on a killing spree in the impoverished district of Whitechapel in London. The nature of the Ripper murders and the impoverished lifestyle of the victims drew attention to the poor living conditions in the East End and galvanised public opinion against the overcrowded, insanitary slums. In the two decades after the murders, the worst of the slums were cleared and demolished, but the streets and some buildings survive and the legend of the Ripper is still promoted by various guided tours of the murder sites and other locations pertaining to the case. I wonder how many of these scoundrels had unwittingly crossed paths with the serial killer, whose identity still remains a mystery, or if perhaps he was actually one of these wretched faces…
A water cart.
A dining room for ex-convicts. The owner, left, speaks with Ramo Sammy, a local Indian drummer known as the “tam tam man.”
A shoeshine boy at work.
“Caney” the clown weaves cane strips into the seat of a wooden chair.
A locksmith mends locks at his stall.
Barge workers on the Thames.
A chimney sweep and his assistant.
A man wears a sandwich-board advertisement.
“Mush-Fakers” and ginger beer makers with their cart.
A street vendor sells halfpenny ices.
A signwriter at work in his studio.
A horse-drawn hansom cab.
An omnibus driver known as “Cast-Iron Billy.”
Bill stickers paste placards advertising Madame Tussaud’s waxworks museum.
A vendor sells cough lozenges.
Costermonger Joseph Carney sells fresh herring from his barrow in the street market between Seven Dials and Five Dials in London.
British army recruiting sergeants outside a public house at Westminster.
Porters with boxes of plants at Covent Garden market.
Tuwekee za uwanja za ball vile zilikuwa…
Nangojea ile rende ya …“but see where they are today…” or “you can’t compare 150years blah blah blah…” or better yet, “you africoons are in the same spot they were 150 years ago…” You gotta love those “i aint african,i got citizenship”
Punguza self hate
Oh god
Do you even speak proper english ama yako iko rounded off to the nearest mother tongue? Go back and read what i put down ghaseer ya manispaa umbwa koko
Wale wakudharau jeans na hoodies ndio hizo suti zenu…
all history is falsified[ATTACH=full]295485[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]295486[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]295487[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]295488[/ATTACH]
Pretty sure this was just an artist’s impression of the future.
Crazy to think every single person in these photographs is dead.
yaani hawa wazungu wamekula shida mpaka wengine wameturn black . England & most of europe was a sh*thole while africans prospered in lush clean jungles stress free . Hio maisha yao ilikuwa mbaya sana
They stole our resources and turned their shithole into paradise
That’s what I kept thinking. No one remembers or cares about their existence anymore. Isn’t life one big tragedy? Sure is.
the past, actually
Ecclesiastes 1:11
No one remembers the former generations,
and even those yet to come
will not be remembered
by those who follow them.