hata mimi nimeona nikaogopa sanaa kwanza naskia last month mwingine alitolewa 13 needles thika . na vile nikiwa mtoi hizi story zilikuwa zinapiga raundi but our christian parents wakasema ni kelele . we demand to know from atheists and scientists how those needles ended up in the kids liver
how is that done my deer ? someone opened him up akaweka hizo needles ndani ? yet daktari na jirani walisema thre were no signs on the kid of any surgery scars on the body . na wewe uko New york unatembeleanga watu wa Voodoo ndio unaamini ?
A woman is the only creature that met saitan face to face, played her jamaa deceived her creator and still lived. My fren exercise extreme caution when dealing with this creature for your wellbeing.
my deer the doctor is the chief surgeon at Eldoret refferal hospital the biggest hospital in the whole of Western and riftvalley . so how is 7 needles in a kids liver not supernatural yet there is no sign of a previous surgery on the kids body ?
Kuna time nikiwa kijana niliwahi ishi Kisii kwa kina @coldpilsner na @Eng’iti. Hizi zilikuwa tu gumzo za mtaa. Just normal stories. Mara unaskia ati kuna uchawi wa kuangaliwa tu na macho, ati sijui mtoto alisuguliwa mwili na matawi flani alafu needles, blankets and all manner of crap fell from the child’s body. Unaonyeshwa guka mchana anatembea na mkwaju polepole kama kobe alafu unaambiwa yeye huwa night runner na usiku ata Usain Bolt hawezi mshika. Ati hawa wamama huuza mandizi huziweka kwa coffins ndio ziive vizuri. Butchery ya mkisii inaogopwaaaaaaa juu anaweza mix nyama ya ng’ombe na ya binadamu. Just general stories. Sulphuric acid pia ni hot cake those sides, allegedly poured on a corpse before burial, to prevent night runners from exhuming and feeding on the corpse. Nilikuwa nadismiss ka upuss, but I always wondered why so many people believed them. Could there be an iota of truth in these wild stories, ama ni nyasore ilikua inawalipukia? I think it has something to do with the concept of mind over matter, and/or the placebo effect. You believe something so much that your mind wills it to happen. I don’t know how else to explain it.
I didn’t believe in that shit, and nothing happened to me in the close to 5 years I lived there. I always asked myself, “if this witchcraft is so powerful, why didn’t they use it to stop the white man from colonizing them? Why not use it to make a Kisii the next president?”. The possibilities are endless.
hahaha kuna jirani yangu huko ocha. Jamaa (now retired) was the headmaster of the local Primary School, lakini mbio za usiku yeye ni mshikadau! Infact his entire family night-runs!! Exluding his ailing mother who "retired" recently due to age related complications.
Karibu tu na Kisii town, ukipita kwa DC kidogo, hiyo njia ya kwenda Milimani.
My Omogusii friends used to tell me nightrunning is passed on to younger generations. Hata kama hutaki utapewa “baton” and you’ll have no option but to take up the “sport”. Na ukikataa you might face some dire consequences, like mental illness. I never really figured out whether they were serious or just trolling :D:D