Hello wadau…hii story imejaajaa mtaa ati lazima mtu arudi shule ndio apewe smart DL kunaenda aje??? And is it true that the you cant have the combined class of vehicles like it used to be before?? B.C.E in one license??? Wenye mnajua hii maneno prisss saidia…My DL is expiring 2020 and I don’t know how to go about this hustle…
Smart dl unaenda kama kankunnen?
manze hiyo kurudi shule heri kulipa bribe maone time
Roughly I’d say more than 75 % of drivers license in Kenya never set their feet in a driving school, and their DL’s are bought.
I remember when Hon. Saitoti busted a cartel that was making Drivers license pale jogoo house.
Hope itakuwa digital, to keep corruption at bay.
Macho yako yakipata kuona… Uje unione kando.
Si uangushe mobire numba priss
Next time you go for a DL examination, don’t be surprised when you encounter this chart, there are many drivers on Kenyan roads with very poor vision.
There are special cows in this nation. There must be a loophole for them. They can never take that test no matter what. Either simeone else takes the exam for them, the examiner becomes the candidate but it will never be them. Just like the block chain system being advertised to manage land ownership/title deeds.
Ishaanguka… Iokote sasa
Tuliza tumbegu jamaa 2020 iko mbali sana…
following for my granny
Ni dereva wa trailer ??
no, ni wa toyota wingroad
That’s cool tafutia yeye DL ya nduthi…
natafuta dl ya nduthi on a serious note,kama mbili hivi mwenye anaweza nifanyia good deal twende inbox
Yeah…you cannot be qualified to drive all vehicle classes