- Reckless driving (wrong side of road)
- Knocking down 2 pedestrians
- Attempting to run away
Ama iliisha tu hivo ?
Injuries za hao waligongwa ziko aje ?
Ama iliisha tu hivo ?
Injuries za hao waligongwa ziko aje ?
[SIZE=5]Hebu remind me, Story ya Baboon Owino ilifika wapi?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]Ya Obado je?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]Ya mzungu Cohen je?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]Ya Aeesha Jumwa je?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]Moral of the story: As long as you’ve got influence and/or money, your dirt shall be swept under the rug.[/SIZE]
I think Obado and Cohen will be found guilty. Owino will walk.
How while the two are harder to prove than this that was caught on live camera?!
Someone has to go down. Owinos victim is still alive. And if he dies, Dr Johansen Oduor will argue the autopsy showed he died of Covid 19.
In the cohen case, they are probably going to try and get the properties that Wairimu murdered cohen for.
Assault resulting in GBH
Section 234, Penal Code
Grievous harm: Any person who unlawfully does grievous harm to another is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for life
Section 4, Penal Code
Grievous Harm: any harm which amounts to maim or dangerous harm or seriously and permanently injures health, or which is likely so to injure health, or which extends to the permanent disfigurement, or to any permanent or serious injury to any external or internal organ, membrane or sense.
Harm: any bodily hurt, disease or disorder whether permanent or temporary
Maim: the destruction or permanent disabling of any external or internal organ, member or sense, end of class.
You need to understand those laws only work when people with no money are involved.
And Obado and Cohen wife have no money???
My query with @Simiyu22 was how he came to the conclusion that it’s easier to prosecute and convict Cohens wife and Obado as opposed to Babu Owino…
They say the law is blind. What they don’t say is that its enforcers aren’t.
I am just looking at odds here. Those are high profile cases. Someone has to go down. There’s no way it’s 0 in 4 in high profile murders. That would completely tarnish the police and Judiciary. Yeah they are corrupt, but by the time you get to a second acquittal, there will be public outcry. Cohen has no political might. She’s the easiest kill. The only reason Obado and Owino is still worth something is Raila. But Owino is on tape.
From a layman Owino case is the easiest.They can even go for the lesser charge of misuse of firearm!
Thats a very weak case.
Stupid person injuring two to save two? Idiot Kenya police. I hate these D materials
The law says 365+1 days zikiisha kabla victim hajakufa, murder nor manslaughter charges won’t apply
Owino’s case will be reopened in the next regime. He’s enjoying privilege and power due to Baba’s proximity to power,but who knows what will happen next.