Storm in a Tea Cup.?

I keep telling you all in here
The best way to deal with any dictators ( … especially Trump…) is head on …!!

Trade War Over…??
Mexican President Says Tariffs Delayed For Month After Deploying 10,000 Troops To Border To Halt Fentanyl.

Mexico’s president Scheinbaum said that after having a good conversation with Trump, Mexico is “pausing tariffs for a month for now” and that Mexico will promptly comply with Trump’s ask by reinforning the northern border with 10,000 national guard members to “prevent drug trafficking from Mexico to the US, particularly fentanyl.”

But we all know
Drug addiction and trafficking is a homegrown problem in the USA that is not going away anytime soon:joy::rofl::hotsprings:


Trump keeps on winning. #MAGA.

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Which winning & the same Mexican govt is involved in the drug trafficking. The only way to win the war on drugs is address the demand


On Point there kabisa …!!

Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum’s letter to Donald Trump.
(very worth reading …!!!):

Dear President Donald Trump,

I am writing to you regarding your statement on Monday, November 25, concerning migration, fentanyl trafficking, and tariffs.

You may not be aware that Mexico has developed a comprehensive policy to assist migrants from different parts of the world who cross our territory en route to the southern border of the United States. As a result, and according to data from your country’s Customs and Border Protection (CBP), encounters at the Mexico–United States border have decreased by 75% between December 2023 and November 2024.
Moreover, half of those who arrive do so through a legally scheduled appointment under the United States’ CBP One program.
For these reasons, migrant caravans no longer arrive at the border.

Even so, it is clear that we must work together to create a new labor mobility model that is necessary for your country, as well as address the root causes that compel families to leave their homes out of necessity.
If even a small percentage of what the United States allocates to war were instead dedicated to building peace and fostering development, it would address the underlying causes of human mobility.

On another note, and for humanitarian reasons, Mexico has consistently expressed its willingness to help prevent the fentanyl epidemic in the United States from continuing.
This is, after all, a public health and consumption problem within your society.
So far this year, Mexican armed forces and prosecutors have seized tons of various types of drugs, 10,340 firearms, and have detained 15,640 individuals for violence related to drug trafficking.

Furthermore, the Mexican Congress is in the process of approving a constitutional reform to classify the production, distribution, and commercialization of fentanyl and other synthetic drugs as a serious crime without bail.
However, it is publicly known that the chemical precursors used to produce this and other synthetic drugs are illegally entering Canada, the United States, and Mexico from Asian countries.
This underscores the urgent need for international collaboration.
You must also be aware of the illegal trafficking of firearms into my country from the United States.

Seventy percent of the illegal weapons seized from criminals in Mexico come from your country. We do not produce these weapons, nor do we consume synthetic drugs.
Tragically, it is in our country that lives are lost to the violence resulting from meeting the drug demand in yours.

President Trump, migration and drug consumption in the United States cannot be addressed through threats or tariffs.
What is needed is cooperation and mutual understanding to tackle these significant challenges.

For every tariff that you impose on Mexico , there will be a response in kind , until we put at risk our shared enterprises.

Yes, shared.
For instance, among Mexico’s main exporters to the United States are General Motors, Stellantis, and Ford Motor Company, which arrived in Mexico 80 years ago.
Why impose a tariff that would jeopardize them…???
Such a measure would be unacceptable and would lead to inflation and job losses in both the United States and Mexico.

I am convinced that North America’s economic strength lies in maintaining our trade partnership. This allows us to remain competitive against other economic blocs.

For this reason, I believe that dialogue is the best path to understanding, peace, and prosperity for our nations.
I hope our teams can meet soon to continue building joint solutions.


Huyu Mama Rais Ameweza
Ama Namna Gani …??? :rofl:

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I keep saying here

Trump and his MAGA idiots won’t do shit …
It is all talk and hot air



Starting useless and ill advised Tariff Wars with your largest trading partners and markets is Economic Suicide

If push really came to shove and Trump went full blast against Mexico , Canada , the EU , India and China all they collectively have to do is reciprocate and dump all the dollar reserves that they hold
As of December 2024, China’s foreign exchange reserves totaled US$3.202 Trillion

That is the highest US Dollar reserves held by the People’s Bank of China.

Just that action alone would trigger a massive devaluation of the Dollar worldwide , a collapse of all US Stock Exchanges , Banks and the US Economy in general and lead to the greatest US Economic Depression in history …!!

And for sure Trump would be impeached and removed from power by both US Houses of the Legistlature.

Making America Great Again …!!:joy::rofl:

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As regards the US Drug problem

The Mexican President told Trump to his face

  • it is a US homegrown problem.
  • it was not caused by Mexico ( …Mexico has no internal Fentanyl problem…).
  • it was not caused by immigrants coming into the USA.

Let’s see what the new “pajeet” FBI Director , Kash Patel , does about it …!!:joy::rofl:


It’s a bold letter from the Mexican President.
She is very clever and probably knows that Trump is as dumb as a rock.

I tend to agree with you. Trump’s second term will be shitty and we are likely to start witnessing early campaigns from Democrats and Republicans.
He is becoming a lame duck president.

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@Electronics4u :

Excellent analysis

The Mexican President is not only smart , She is also a very tough Cookie.
(…She reminds me of the Late UK Prime Minister , “Iron Lady” Mrs: Margaret Thatcher…)

She went as far as publicly telling the Panama President that Mexico will stand with him in the event of an attempted Trump Panama Canal grab.

Anyone who knows Trump well knows he is really a coward at heart and tough women in particular , really intimidate him.

The Trump presidency is not about making America Great Again

  • it is a “Stay out of Jail” Card for a twice impeached , Insurrectionist, Election results denier , adjudicated Rapist , military draft dodger and Convicted Felon found Guilty on 34 Counts by 12 of his peers.

  • it is about his revenge obsession towards individuals who investigated and held him to account for his personal criminal activities.

  • it is about seeking validation from those he perceives “stole” the 2020 Election from him…( … someone needs to tell him that he lost that election…!!:blush:)

The entire planet is going thru very dangerous times

  • Putin in Ukraine.
  • Chinese eying a Taiwan invasion by 2027.
  • Rocket Boy Kim firing Ballistic Missiles.
  • the Mullahs in Iran funding terrorists and distabilizing the Middle East.

The USA with is resourceful population of 335 million could have made better leadership choices than they did in November 2024
(…but we also made the same mistake with Ruto in 2022…).

At the current trajectory , the Trump MAGA Moron regime will not last long

Just 2 weeks in and they have already alienated friends and foes alike
(…Panama , Greenland , Mexico , Canada , EU , NATO and South Africa…).

The MAGA crowd have a razor thin majority in both Legistlative Houses and the Mid Term Elections are just around the corner in 2026

Interesting times ahead …!!!:rofl::joy::hotsprings:

Trump’s first crime of his second presidency:blush:

It’s like fentanyl addiction is infectious and immigrants brought the infection. Kill the market and the suppliers will look elsewhere