The original product is safe but the FAKE one looks exactly like the original and you can’t tell the difference. Chinese watatumaliza na cancer. Contains high levels of Lead (PB Atomic Number 82.) and another poisonous chemical called diethylene glycol (DEG).
We call them muda. The problem is when Gathecha started open door policy…we say who feeds you controls you. Mchina Ile shafting anatupea ni juu uhunye sold the country so he has no control.
Ni nini mioto… Did I say which tree that twig came from? Hii ujuaji yenu…it dumbs you down really. I was repping an idea not endorsing tree species…ai!
The tree we call Muthiga in our language, I think Moissot in yours and Greenheart in English is popularly used for tooth hygiene. I dont think it contains fluoride but it is quite effective.