I had decided not to revisit “the list” after our +7,000,000 historic win …BUT, due to high demand for my counter responsive attack, and there being rampant attack by constant character assasination by the following village duschebags who dont seem to comprehend what just happened, I have decided to respond - help is on the way.
They are walking around with their asses ballooned with fart that doesn’t want to leave their lower extremities and gluteus maximus . This toxic gas has has found it’s way to their brain where its clouding every logic judgement.
ESPECIALLY @T.Vercetti , you need to be a decent respectable woman and stop gloating on Obama’s private parts. You seem to be hyperventilating everytime you see his picture. I dont know how many times you have fapped your clit on his picture in your closet! . When are you going to grow up?
You @T.Vercetti need to engage in decent debate, but you bask and fap on another man’s penis! I hope you get the wrong covid vaccine and never wake up . The world is less worse with people like you. Just die woman.
Albeit, wanted to check the following criminals and see how they are doing . Post short short comments to let us know if you still exist and not chopped off your fart, co² filled heads.
[SIZE=5]@Bottoms is a njaruo and this reaction was expected and very much forthcoming but I still stand firm on the fact that Obama is a homosexual njaruo man who married a transsexual man called Michael. And their kids could be adopted.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]If Joan Rivers herself said that Obama was a njaruo homosexual who married a transsexual who are we to refuse? [/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]And then this filthy deep state socialist liberals killed her after she said it. Just like they later killed George Floyd to start a coup.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]@Bottoms you will remember that homosexual Barrack Obama called his manwife Michelle, Michael on numerous numerous occasions but he often blamed it on the teleprompter.
Now why would the president forget the name of his own wife and call her Michael instead ???
And left wing, Liberal controlled Google has made sure that you can never find those clips anywhere on the internet but infowars kept one copy. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]@Brayo44ki now why would homosexual Barrack Obama call or refer to his own manwife as Michael?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]In this video Obama refers to Michelle as Michael twice. :D:D:D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]He also declares that ga.ys will now serve in the military including in the submarines.:rolleyes::rolleyes:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]You are locked in with a faggot for 6 months inside a submarine , 3 km deep under the sea surface with nowhere to run. All thanks to homosexual Obama.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]The comments were turned off because they were utterly ruthless and Google has to protect their homosexual man.[/SIZE]