stolen....... very long read

Paris, Beirut and Baghdad. So who is to
blame? Is it Islam?
My thoughts? Yes, it is Islam. It is Islam,
and it is Christianity, and Judaism, and
Hinduism, and Wiccans, and Celtic and
Asian polytheism……and ETC ETC ETC
ETC. It is every form of organized and
institutionalized religion, with a fancy
cloak and a funny hat to go with it. It is
the only thing that makes you leave your
own senses and believe, beyond all
ratonality, something a human being
like you wrote on paper thousands of
years ago. Religion has stupefied
humanity and it has messed up our basic
spirituality. Religion is the height of
human ignorance and greed and fear. I
will never tire of saying it. We need to
move away from religion. It’s about
We need to take our fate off the hands of
deities. We need to stop attributing our
failures to these collectively imagined
deities. It is the only thing that will allow
people to start thinking again. Let our
morality be judged on its own merit. If
you want to believe in a myth, by all
means do it, but do it in the privacy of
your own mind. Why should what you
believe affect me anyway? Why coerce
me (yes through force, deception, threats
and blindfolding) ? What kind of God do
you worship that tells you it’s okay,
depending on what chapter you read off
your own list of rules, for you to kill
anyone who does not share your opinion
about something nobody has any idea
Society has this frustrating habit of
dehumanizing divergence. Society will
always try (thank God it sometimes fails)
to oust out anyone who resists
popularized ideology. And what a bigger
cancer to this kind of society than
religion! It is the root of discrimination
and hate and senseless violence.
Christians you need to read (yes read!)
your history too, you started all these
massacres with your Crusades. Any
Christian who knows about the Holy
Inquisitions should feel ashamed of
themselves for believing in anything
capable of such horror. Christians have
absolutely no right to castigate Islam.
As for prayers, Praying for Paris will
NOT help, it will make it worse. Praying
for Beirut and Syria and Iraq and
Lebanon and Kenya and Nigeria and
countless other places where we’re
making war will not work! Only one
thing will work and it’s the only thing
nobody is willing to do. And that is a
radical change in the way we think.
As humans, we have let our history be
defined by war! It is as if we cannot get
rid of this bloodlust in our genes. We
have found cures for diseases. We have
explored our whole planet, settled on
every continent. We know what’s in the
deepest parts of our oceans. We have our
footprint on the moon. Everyone knows
we are heading for Mars. We have
evolved beyond the wildest dreams of
our ancestors, and every other species
that has walked this planet. Aggression
(hate, violence, killing) is the only thing
we have utterly refused to evolve away
from. All because we cannot let go of old
ideology that has proven itself to be the
very rot of society. Sure, religion had an
important role in creating order for
society. It had a time and place where it
was functional. But so did the
Hammurabi Code of Ancient
Mesopotamia. Both of which are now
outdated and dysfunctional. We need to
have the space where ideas get old and
are replaced by others.
Where opinion is adjustable and not this
rigid, immutable infrastructure we have
created. Theistic religion needs to go
But why blame Islam for these terror
attacks? Because Islam has stood aside
and let terrorists kill in its name, an
inaction that is both selfish and self-
serving. There needs to be a clear line
because right now, the whole world just
doesn’t see it.
No matter how politically correct we try
to be. And nobody can define that line
better that Islam itself. Islam needs to
answer the questions on everybody else’s
mind, and speak out on what exactly it
stands for. Because let us be real, right
now it has a lot of problems.
We all know that Western nations aren’t
the good saints they pretend to be. Yes
they are greedy, and manipulative, and
arrogant. Yes, even the Western form of
democracy is not everything it is cut out
to be. And we also know all this violence
is partly political. But that is the thing
with modern religion. It is so tied up in
politics we can no longer tell the two
apart. Spiritualism left us the moment
we institutionalized and politicized
(irrational) belief.
Let us stop kidding ourselves, modern
religion does not take us closer to getting
us the answers we are seeking as
humanity. Religion has not helped us
understand the paradox of life and the
afterlife any better. Religion has not
enlightened us on the origin and purpose
(if any) of the Universe and everything
in it. The theories religion gives on our
fate as humans are as full of holes as the
contorted lies and half-truths i most
‘holy’books. Religion has not ensured us
about anything, it has confused us. We
are supposed to believe what we cannot
see without questioning. Questions get
you killed, either from a fellow human
or a defensive deity. It is the ultimate lie.
And now, because of this, gone are the
days when Islam was the actual frontier
of astronomy, and pharmacy and
mathematics, of discovery and
innovation. But there is a name for all of
that: Science!
Let us do a brief reality check. Prayer
didn’t discover penicillin, science did.
Faith did not discover electricity, science
did. The bible will not take us to Mars,
science will. Religion did not invent the
telephone, or cars, or radar, or the X-ray,
or the atom smasher. Every beautiful
thing we have achieved as a species
came from Science, or, to rephrase that,
the desire to move beyond current
schools of thought and measure our
understanding on purely on Reason. By
merit, science holds more answers than
religion. Schools breed more solutions
that churches. Allow people the freedom
of thought and they will always stumble
on something worthwhile. Inquisition is
the mother of discovery. The current
forms of religious ideology that we have
are a vice to this virtue. They are
everything that is holding us back.
So, what now? After we get rid of
religion then what? If ideas need to be
replaced with newer ideas then what will
work? What am I suggesting right? Is
that what you’re thinking…? How about
Empathy! How about about defining
others first and foremost as humans
before defining them by religion, or by
race, or by political affiliation, or by
gender, or by their sexual orientation?
How about compassion? How about
denying our ego? How about forgiveness,
and tolerance, and peace? How about
kindness? How about realizing that we
are just one and the same
thing….human. And how about doing all
that individually without separating
ourselves into sects and institutions?
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2 comments on “Paris: Why Theology is the
Plague of Mankind”
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November 16, 2015 by
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The solution does not stop at religion mate. We have to unlearn all the brainwashing done to us. This calls for psychological and mental paradigm shift. Sadly only 1-10% of the human population is capable of rational thought. Another point is, you do not want to take away people’s gods. Read what Fredrick Nietszche said after declaring god dead. ‘Beyond good and evil’ by Fredrick Nietszche.

Islam this, Islam that. 24hrs mudslinging at Islam. What you don’t realise is, Islam has been through worse …than your privileged access to internet, keyboard bravery …it won’t die in your hands, not even American, french or Israeli

Taqiyya, tawriya, kitman, muruna!!
Every human being needs to learn the meaning of these words and their applications if they desire to survive global Islamic terror.