state house blocks Linus Kaikais move to Royal Media Services

The govt of day should make them as paranoid as possible. Until they lose it. Kaikai was almost insulting the president when he refused to show up for debate last year.

Now that there’s an understanding that the courts are no shield from the government if it is fed up with you, I suspect they will start behaving themselves.
They fail to understand that the government gets it’s mandate directly from the people.

Media freedom should be accompanied more importantly by common sense.
Kaikai has been walking around without a brain, inviting every inciter on his station to spew hatred and division.

It may work in the US where everyone is too busy working to fight for politicians, but not in Kenya where thousands are willing to shut down their slum shops to come throw stones in town.

Kenya’s media freedom has come without responsibility, and thanks God we have 2007 to remind us where that can take us.
NTV and Citizen literally have the freedom to air anything, but they choose content that plants hatred among communities etc.
Kaikai akuwe funzo kwa wengine.

Ngunjiri, Kiraitu, Koki Muli, Isaac Mwaura, kamotho waiganjo, Washington Makodingo ni activists pia. And btw Your work is not to praise the government, for what!! for doing the work you mandated it to do? Your work as a responsible citizen is to keep your government on its toes…watch how it uses your taxes

Ands that’s why and how Uhuru gained a major foothold among central Kenya constituents.
Kikuyus were being killed and hounded all over for voting for Kibaki yet he was in State House silent and doing nothing about it till Uhuru took the initiative and started talking tough and issuing ultimatums.

poa sana mgisu unpure blood, hii site manoeuvrability yake imekuwa kama kuendesha rocket

That is one man I personally admire…

I hate anarchists.

Actually no…if you truly know Kenyans then that is not what now they remember Kibaki for. Other than those benefitting from the Uhuruto thuggery the rest of the nation wishes we had an older mature man who could see beyond his umbilical cord.

Tumbilee is no better than Naswa, as much as they try to convince people. We are screwed.

He had his good side, economic empowerment

This was his own undoing for the whole country.

Mmhhh some parts yeah others public figures resign or fail to seek elective positions when confronted with malpractices…in Africa the best thug becomes the next president, governor, mp etc

I always say he was the best president kenya ever had

Its merely showing who has the biggest balls.

In this Kaikai amejua makende yake ni ndogo sana.

Aende kwa Raila apewe kazi nugu

Kaikai was so furious. His plan to mud sling Muthamaki didnt succeed.

Where ever he is now amejua kuna sirkal na serikali read GOK

G.o.K is moving in slowly and Swiftly, but hitting on the Matrix of putting Ugali on the Table.
These are very cold calculation, that will make people think hard in future, if it’s worth venturing in some things.
I am still waiting for the Grand Surgery, pale Judiciary, hiyo najua haita dissappoint. Kuna Tag team ya Kinuthia Mbugua na Francis Kimemia. Guys, free advice, keep off the team that the duo are in.

The governent is dealing with the anarchists individually. They are all harrassed in different ways and its very difficult for them to fight back. Miguna is dealing with his deportation, Wanjigi has cases of illegal gun possession and his papa was dragged into it, Linus has his daily bread taken away. The government is using different tactics to finish pro nasa. The pawns are being finished one by one and soon the king will be left exposed with no more moves and it will be a CHECKMATE for the government.

Why would rights activism and civil society be pro government when the government has all the resources at it’s disposal to do it’s bidding, they only find themselves riding in the same boat with NASA.

You’re going to call politicians activists? Ngunjiri, Kiraitu, Mwaura are Jubilee politicians and there is no expectation of honesty or neutrality from them.
Also to call Kamotho Waiganjo, Koki and Makondingo as activists is a stretch. Just because one gives a TV interview and appears to support Jubilee does not make them activists. It just makes them Jubilee supporters. And I can mention many on the Nasa side ranging from Manyora to Muluka.

Activism is what the likes of Githongo, Gladwell Otieno, Maina Kiai etc practice on behalf of Raila.

  1. Identify themselves as 'civil rights activists
  2. Register an organization.
  3. Receive money from foreign donors (preferably George Soros).
  4. Organize mostly jobless youth to demonstrate in town anytime Jubilee does something you don’t like.
  5. On other matters where a demo would be an overkill, organize a press conference at Serena to castigate the government.
  6. Take many videos and pictures for your donors’ consumption.
  7. Keep your mouth shut whenever Raila pisses on the constitution.
  8. Demand to meet American dignitaries like president or secretary of state whenever they come visiting.

It is not their criticism of GoK that i fault , it is the lack of neutrality. If you call yourself a humanrights crusader or a civil society group then your objectives should be public interest and the rights of Kenyans only, it is fair and in order to condemn the state when it breaks the law, that i have no problem with that but do the same when it comes to the opposition and everyone else, they may not have the state machinery but they have the power to influence masses, leave them unchecked you create a monster.