State capture Ship:
- Chairman -Jacob Zuma
- CE0 - Duduzane Zuma
- ÇOO- Gupta brothers
- Engine room- Salim Essa
- Crew - ANC Cadres
its a very long article but you can listen to the audio:
State capture Ship:
its a very long article but you can listen to the audio:
Nice read…Zuma let SA down… it’s like the golden berg era but more unbelievable…movies will be made from this story
Wah hii ni kama arror and kimwarer scandal *10000000
Such leaders should be hanged. Indeed Africa kills her sun
@Oxygen feel that KimwarerArror is a lesser thief and should be given a chance to loot so that they can know whether he actually steals or not
Wachana na hio mafwi ya mtu
Guptas were the defacto leaders of south africa, they even made cabinet appointments and summoned government officials
where is the audio
Wueh…na ati they are rioting for Zuma to be released.
Hiyo sentence Zuma alipewa ilikuwa lenient sana. Actually, huyu ata hafai kujua freedom ni nini tena.
Hiyo bado si sentencing for the corruption. That was just for contempt of court.
Highway robbery.
There was an exposé on the Zuptas by the BBC or AlJazeera or CNN in 2019 if memory serves me right…that dew dew zaneh guy feels jack about his country and nigga lies without batting an eyelid.
You could tell by his swag and his arrogance in a court of law that he not remorseful…all his shenanigans were in the line of duty…nigga was feeling invincinble.
Then that move at the guptas where zuma emerged from a room to escort mentor out of the house after offering a ministry…reminds me of a certain east african el presidentey who used to cut deals on airforce 1 where his right hand man would shuttle to and fro…during the flight…between the presidentey and the concerned minister/investor ironing out the details of the deal…real shameless shady charcters.
fake newsssssssss.
Freedom fighter Zuma must be released or SA will continue burning
Kenya iko kwa shimo deeper zaidi.
Yeah, but am saying that he should do maximum time for the crimes.
Meanwhile, despite catastrophic mismanagement by the ANC for at least 20 years, they have never lost a national election. That is madness.
Very well written story. I had to read it twice.
I listened to the entire audio
wadosi wanatoka kwao India then wanakuwa Trilionaires in Africa
Tunakosea wapi?
Partly our african culture and modern ways of governace. Corruption is by-product of not enduring to rule of law from the must enlghtened all way to majority ingnorant
Westphalian system of government was imposed on Africans via colonialism. It has failed in Africa because it is a foreign concept that is not in our ‘DNA’. In western culture Kinship and Kithship are signs of a rudimentary society. For Africans, they are the glue that binds us.