I’ve noticed that only @vuja de has a star on his name. Was that a reward for being the first villager, or??
:D:D Kativoi wherever you are, chunga kupasuliwa mayai
@vuja de you have caught someone’s eye… Your movements on these streets with swagger have attracted some attention
He’s caught a midget’s eye
:D:D:D:D:D Kabat manenoz!
Shait. @admin naomba nipewe security.
4 bodyguards and 2 chase cars/nduthis
Kasee utabomolewa nyuma na midget imevaa abidas juu chini ingia stealth mode haraka
ukipendwa pendeka kativoi alaa. sniper amekuweka kwa cross-hairs
The only other star holder akionekana hapa kwa kijiji hufukuzwa kama mbwa koko.
nah drawers
:D:D:Dmsito vuja de 123tokambio
Finally, a sensible comment.
Huyo Ni musito Gheto,jirani,Jeremy,mbleina ama?
@vuja de you’ve been put on notice!
Jenerali, itabidi urushe pineapples na mandimu (m67). Bado unataka flak jack?
Willing seller vuja thieth
The one and only GMN.