Why would someone want to spy on their partner?
I mean if he/she is cheating on you even if you find her red handed she will still cheat.
Why would someone want to spy on their partner?
I mean if he/she is cheating on you even if you find her red handed she will still cheat.
Wahenga walisema
There is no point at all of spying your partner - it is you who will get hurt. If you suspect s/he is cheating, know s/he is cheating, that you are not along and make decision whether to stay and continue or walk out. why die because of another person sins, getting fun elsewhere? I hate when i hear a man has killed himself or stressed because of a cheating spouse while the person cheating is not stressed and when you die she will continue to with many. Jipe Raha
To find a reason to walk away but in most cases it comes down to blackmail.
Spying leads to blackmail!