…am somewhere watching a very young girl…akizeeka sana 21 years…chatting with this driver of a highly tinted prado…ambayo kioo imefunguliwa tu kidogo…the lady is provocatively dressed. after attracting much attention…kameingia ndani. with this trend…kuna watu watakosa mabibi
NA UKAE PALE------------------------------------------------------------------------> NV
She’s young, she still has time to find err in her ways, join a church, repent and find an idiot to marry. Then spend the rest of their married life telling him not to believe what people say about her. Not that there is anythingwrong about her past, just that she’s running away from it.Then she will have a baby and name her ShaQuffa and she will grow fat and start condemning young girls who sell themselves to older men. Not that there is anything wrong about that, just that she’s older now and that is what older people do.
You had to create a new handle to post this?
Precisely captured. The 21st century is witnessing this cycle wide-eyed.
…i like the last statement. i was forced to… after i was unable to log in with my other account which was through facebook…now am back to being bullied as NV…after kukaa klist from 2007 mpaka ikaisha…my previous account was a senior villager…but all in all, who cares
Mine was an elder. But even when I was a NV no one told me to keti pale. Hii mambo ya kuchange simu inabidi ufungue new account admin anafaa aingilie kati.
how is that possible? simu haicontrol u/p
ilikataa nilogin na fb kabisaa.