Spoilt for choice

I have been forced to intergrate with the digital world,i wanna buy izi flat screen tvs but an spoilt for choicr as to which i should pick. Talkers,between hisense,skyworth and tcl,which brand should i go for factoring in quality brand and durability and ofcourse features?

If you believe peasantry exists buy Skyworth. Tcl hapo usiguse. Hisense naskia iko poa but bei iko juu.

i am watching a skyworth and i have no complaints at all…

The trusted brand in television [ATTACH=full]168412[/ATTACH]

Sidharau hizo brands , lakini kama unataka good pic quality nunua Samsung/Panasonic/Sony/Insignia/Sharp/LG/ Hisense/Vizio. Jamaa alinunua skyworth 55" 61,999 4K. Anatumia Chromecast kustream NBA HD hata heri Samsung LED yangu. KBC Hua 480p Na Ni crystal clear kuliko HD ya skyworth. Go for. Vizio/insignia or Sharp cheap Sana 55" all under 30k (ultra HD)

Buy the most expensive TV affordable to you. Go for the latest version, especially Samsung. And the bigger the screen the better for you. They tend to have features that might be valuable already or in the near future. I am looking for one whose connectivity features include Bluetooth.

Skyworth inategemea na model unanunua. It entirely depends on your preference. Halafu huyo jamaa anatumiaje skyworth na chromecast? Kwani hio telly si Android/smart?

Kuna apps si compatible na skyworth eg NBA, SHOWMAX, so akaamua kununua Chromecast stick

Samsung 43mu7000, released in December,2017.

Tunawatch saa hii cheki vile inatoa poor picture quality @ibrahim300[ATTACH=full]168413[/ATTACH]

Thanks for the info

Life’s Good with LG


Aah wazi wazi,apo sawa

LG juu ya iyo IPS dislplay

All brand usually have a model that was designed almost to perfection and even the so called trusted brand occasionally recall some of their products. Kwa hivyo check out for reviews on specific models you are impressed with before purchasing.

Tv Ni Tv

Pia mimi nitasema “Tfii ni Tfii”

Hisense iko poa jamaa

go for sony or samsung

Whatever tv you decide to buy, ambia muuzaji abadilishe display from store mode to normal mode before you compare the screen displays. Iyo store mode huwa ya kuvutia customers tu. Has no use in a normal home setting