Even in this movie they are pushing sterilization and genital mutilation of kids in the name of transsexuals.
@nelo_angelo hii story ilianza aje? Was this even an issue like 5 years ago? Tulijipataje apa penye companies are actively advocating for what is clearly mental retardation?
Arabs pia wao are mentally depraved kuliko hata wazungu. They rape boys and make women eat shit. They don’t have the moral high horse to claim a high moral position. All we see is nothing but stupid dick measuring contests.
Homosexuality was removed from the DSM in 1979, haukuwa hata umezaliwa. China removed it from a list of mental disorder in 1997, bado haukuwa umezaliwa. You are still young kijana.
It seems every super hero movie will eventually have a gay character. We are heading for confusing and tough times for our kids especially those in secondary schools.
Why is Hollywood aggressively pushing the ABC narrative…
Why not let people just be… Waachane na watoto…
You could be watching Cartoon with your Kid then Pap two Male Characters Kiss On-screen for absolutely no reason…
Kuna kitu inaitwa ESG. Hapo ndio hii mambo zote zilianza.
Shida ni hio poster inapromote transsexuality to kids.
ESG requirements placed on them.
Wish more countries had the guts to stop this madness…
Hapo sawa Rexx
These things have been happening everywhere since kitambo. Only difference is the Western world is hellbent on normalizing it
When beheading of contaminants will start( muslim Arabs & Somalis will be pioneers as usual) I’ll gladly fund and join them fully in beheading fun globally. Reformed ones will not be spared either.
60’s sexual liberation, 70’s San Fran gay scene and Karposa Sarcoma epidemic, 80’s HIV/AIDS pandemic, 92’s feminism’s 3rd wave, 2007 iphone was released and big bang theory came out, 2013’s internet-accelerated 4th wave of feminism, 2015 #MeToo movement.
We had this coming and this is just the beginning.
Where do you see it ending?
I wish I knew, my friend. I really do. All I know is that it’s going to get worse. It shows no signs of stopping.
Do you see it causing some serious chaos pale US?
Kazi mzuri we must fight this mental illness from the American Zionists
I don’t think so. With every erosion of established principles, the threshold for outrage goes higher and higher.
The amount of black people in Hollywood movies today would make Jim Crow era caucasians absolutely shit themselves, but now they are not only tolerate it, but celebrated. Pride marches would have gotten people killed a century ago but today, they elicit applause. Whatever new values come next, I’m sure people will adjust and start liking them.