Vile tumeona the Ngiritas led by the mudomo kombo slayqueen, another family is about to go down too. [ATTACH=full]173166[/ATTACH]
The NCPB thieves are a family too led by the matriach Celestine Chepchirchir. Yaani walichapa hesabu na kugawanya depots. ‘Fulani utamwaga kitale, wewe nakuru ni yako, kwa sababu wewe unakaa karibu kisumu mwaga yako huko.’
Ama it’s the in thing? Maybe wakubwa ndio walichora hivo. Involving too many parties labda iko na risks
Boss, utafanya watu walie, they expected if its Kalenjin then it must be… Now let’s see the excuses and dismisses.
Alafu ulinichanua juzi, I didn’t know middlemen were allowed in the past to buy from farmers their maize and then sell in bulk to NCPB. If that was there for a while then this scandal took too long before it was executed.
This weekend nilikuwa na wazee Wa Keiyo hapa tu Nairobi. The debate shifted to NCPB almost immediately. If Kariuki steals, its Kariuki. If Omollo steals its Omollo. If Kurgat steals, its Kalenjin stealing and to add salt- he must be DP Uncle Ruto relative. Hate and bitterness clouds peoples minds. Mzee moja joined GoK in 1975 and he had no problem it was very prestigious then. His first real promotion was in 1980 and immediately he was tagged mtu wa Biwott for being a Keiyo. It stuck with him until President Moi left. At that time he rose through the ranks. Narc came and “mtu ya Biwott” was transferred to a smaller post since they couldn’t fire him. In 2009 he was just counting his last decade to retirement but suddenly things shifted. He was again promoted back to his old job. This time he is called “mtu ya Ruto” despite not supporting him. In 2014 he wanted to retire and wrote a letter to get the golden handshake. Aliambiwa “mtu was Ruto” aendi mahali until he retires officially. In 2016 after getting water, power and roads at his home he finally owned the name “mtu Wa Ruto”. In 2017 for the first time he voted Jubilee. In his retirement party he told them “He has never met Biwott or Ruto. People assume all Kalenjins know each other, they are related and think as one. We act together for the best interest of the people but disagree just like any other loving family. What we don’t do is guesswork important issues like leadership and voting.”