South African High School Students' Uniforms............

Huku siwezi kuwa mwalimu wa shule. Nitafungwa jela.

Ukishikwa siutasema tu you @Ndindu nuthin wrong na maisha iendelee.


These must be overage students

What are SA teenage pregnancy numbers like ?

Ukedi pia naskia apan macheso

:D:D:D:D niliskia SA inataka walimu wa Kiswahili from Kenya,wengine hawatarudi…:D:D

Funny thing we are more suited to teach kiswahili to counteies in south africa than TZ, because they use english as official language like us. No wonder we are hated by our jealous brothers from south

Huko ukimwi ndio ina restrain wanaume. Hata wewe ukitolewa hapa upelekwe epicenter ya ukimwi siaya kendu bay. Hata kunguru watembee uchi your little man there will not grumble. Hio ni enough self control.

Ujinga with arvs watu hawakai any different, kwanza they look more soft and supple wakimeza dawa. Have you not asked yourself why Sa rape iko juu…? Why ksm lodging ziko every corner? Arvs zinafanya hata wengine kama hawa juu kwa picha maybe they were born positive to look juicy and ready for the plucking

Its vis a vis with their teachers:D:D:D[ATTACH=full]303608[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]303609[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]303610[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]303611[/ATTACH]

Biologically Chances za kukushika ni 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%

Uko na ufala :D:D

Ndivyo mkiaaga humu mnadanganyama namna hii kila uchao

I have more than 10 friends teaching Swahili sasa hv S.A,Few months ago we received an inquiry from Algeria too more than 1000 teachers are needed there.
Last SADC meeting under chairman president Hage Geingob of Namibia approved Tanzania to supply the SADC members thousands of teachers to teach Swahili in SADC countries(As Swahili was declared official language in SADC meeting).

The whole world know that TANZANIA speaks fluent SWAHILI than any country.Nyie endelezeni utumwa wenu wa kujifanya mwajua sana ENGLISH


Speaking and teaching are two entirely different things though…

FACT: South African women are the sexiest in Africa.