Soul mixxes

Anybody got some good soul mix, probably 80s or 90s stuff a bit of Midnight star, akina prince, Madonna, MJ, the classics tu… Nothing new age.

ingia website ya dj adrian na youtube. Dj bunduki also has excelent mixes.

Leta handle yako ya telegram nikurushie kadhaa


uploading… three mixes

Niko na album ya Michael Jackson this is it,pia niko na album za Madonna,Prince na Midnight star sina

share bana…

those mixes are so good, you should be sharing more with talkers bwana

Thankyou …will share a telegram link for my mixes.

Fungua Telegram channel

Niko nayo tayari

link please?

link ya channel

Sawa kesho Niki update.

@AMB_Sunday nirushie huko. Hizo mix hunijenga

Share please

Interested in the mixx.

sawa shikeni farasi wenu kidoooogo tu(hold your horses) converting them into mp3 format now…
