I see elders talk f SJ nachanganyikiwa if ni sophia joy ama Sabina Joy… I have since liked Sophia Joy cheap whores… ni gani mnatambua between the two and which one of the two do elders refer to wakisema SJ

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Sabina joy ya hapo Ambassador bus stop

ulikam nairobi lini kijana


Elders wakisema 150 Im pretty sure they mean Sophia joy huko ndio keg iko


There is a certain chick huko sophia anaitwa hannah wambui ako na forehead tamu kama sunguch but saa hii tightness isn’t there anymore

Foreheads turn you on?


Sophia Tafuta Fei ako na matako kama mlima na sura iko passable

Hii jaluo nime sample regular

Ni chikuyu si njaruo. Unless unasema ancestors wa @slevyn walifanya ile kitu central

@SchlongGiver saa zingine si hupark hapo nje na boiz wangu kukunywa drinks kwa gari. There is a lady, very dark-skinned with a big ass husimama hapo nje. Matako iko sawa but sura imebeat

Tafuta ule mkisii ako hapo upewe vitu mpaka utosheke

Kama ako na small scar kwa face then najua unaongelea nani.

There’s one huvaa short flani hapo anaitwa Fei pia ass biggy

So you park outside a very dingy brothel to ogle or look at very ugly whores? But to everyone their fetish

Wewe ubwa you know nothing. The friend owns a shop along that Keekorok Road so we just chill outise that route discussing biashara once in a while. He also buys drinks opposite wines and spirits ya rafiki yake(Vaite) hapo opposite Sophia Joy. Nairobi mandugu ni kuinuana. if nataka kuosha macho, I know all the brothels in town with attractive women

Ukitaka harufu ya Kuma enda Sabina,ukitaka mavi enda Sophia!