Soo Desperate

Birrioneas abu tell me how a peasant like me can make serious money ONLINE , OFFLINE , CLEARNET ,DARKWEB …anywhere , any business ideas niambiwe . Naona nikiuza mihadarati thanx to the desperation am in . Things are getting tough !

[SIZE=3]@Mimi Huwa Namwaga Ndanii @Thiem @ChifuMbitika @Abba @sani @Agwambo @digi @Slave 0wner @uwesmake @Bingwa Scrotum @Wanaruona @magreb @Mpenda @D… Mungai @Micymas @digi [/SIZE]

Act ngwati na Bibi yako ufungue PornHub. Weka huko halafu you start to promote it Kwa social media. Kabla wiki ifike utakuwa na 1 million views. Assume 1 view ni 1 bob. U will be a millionaire.

:smiley: kuna watu napenda wananiheshimu staki kuwaangusha …wewe fanya hivyo unikopeshe at exorbitant interest !

F.uck heshima. Respect will not pay your bills. Wacha wapige kelele saa hio Una spin V8.

The internet is a gold mine right now for anyone daring. This is the easiest-I see illiterates in the developed world making ksh.10 million a month on youtube where you pay nothing just for daring to do little DIY stuff on their cars or just post nonsense. For video content, this stage is similar to early 2000s when todays giant internet corporations began. This is just a short lived window. Ecommerce is also in the golden age, but only techies have the best opportunity.
Ask anyone how easy it was to grow a blog in 2010 and how is it now. The golden era for blogs passed.

namaanisha my tois . Mimi apana taka keypii yangu anione nikikazana na mama yake huko pornhub …no

buy cheap sell dear. small margin high volume products. lesson zile zengine utalearn kwa ground

Learn how to code, give yourself one month of dedication

Spoken like an admin of a website…

Ingia biz ya food delivery. Very soon people with money will pay well to avoid getting out of their houses for food/supplies.

Join the cartels and get to do crime under the protection of the law.

Try your hand in dropshipping(if you have some cash lying idle) or YouTube stuff where you can get views and some mullah.

Not feasible. It will take you a year to become a decent coder in 1 language if you dedicate yourself fully. I am not certain you can commercialize your skill at this level.

Learning how to make simple websites is easy stuff

You shoulda tagged @Azor Ahai

Guy can’t live off 300k monthly so he make more than that. Waaaaaay more.

Start a YouTube channel with your phone that’s interesting and relevant…get the views you need since everyone is at home now. Be original…don’t copy paste what is already on the channels of the Kenyan “influencers”

[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)][SIZE=7]Ata mihadarati inaleta pesa, ju inatumiwa daily na wenyeji. Kaboom leta shada nibuy online[/SIZE]

Kama unaishi the high life it is time to downsize. Kubali maisha imekupiga knockout, move to a cheaper house, sell your car etc. Don’t be ashamed otherwise utakaa maisha huwezi afford ufurahishe watu halafu ukuwe bankrupt in a few months. Downsize, liquidate any nonessential assets/items, use that cash for the best business idea you can find.

Lastly mkiambiwa msipate watoto mkiwa peasants hamsikii. Ona sasa. I have always said most people turn to crime because of parental responsibilities. You will never find a single childless girl whoring in Koinange, or a bachelor engaging in high-risk activities kama kuuza mihadarati because even when desperate chakula ya mtu mmoja haiwezi washinda. So, usiendelee kuzaana kama panya kama huna kakitu.

Ukiendelea kinitaja nitaku-FGM

Sasa umemsaidia aje?