Sony Bravia spare parts

Am looking for a Sony Bravia R40 32" motherboard .anyone who has can inbox me for business

Nunua tv! Wacha kutafuta parts kama ni peugeot 404


Cheki part number ya hio mama board; Kama uko sure hio ndio Ina shida. Otherwise utauziwa just any board upate sio compartible

Hiyo TV lazima sentimental value yake iko yuu sana

He watched and fapped to his first porno on that tv…probably nutted on it too, thats why motherboard imechapa.:D:D

Most probably.

Yeah am sure

Mimi naulizia fundi na spare. screen ya sony led tv 32" imechapaa…saidieni peasant

kwani jamaa wetu wa turedio hawes saidia ama yeye ni bonoko Greatwall ndio zake?

Huyo huwa anauza stolen merchandise, na kuna mwizi wa tusimu pia.

Such stuff you need to order them online. Bora ujue part number. Kuna so many shipping companies that will charge you less than 30 dollars to transport it in for you

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